10-4 Magazine April 2024

10-4 Magazine / April 2024 17 The Performance Zone: By Bruce Mallinson Every year around February or March, Pittsburgh Power hosts what we call the Annual Owner Operator Snowmobile Conference. This conference is usually held in a snowy and beautiful place like Colorado, Montana, or Wyoming, and owner operators and others in trucking gather together for a few days to ride sleds and talk trucks and trucking. We have been doing this conference for almost 20 years now, and it is always a lot of fun and very informative and inspiring. But don’t take my word for it. Following is a short write-up from an owner operator who attended our conference for the first time this year, and here is what he (Dan Hembree) had to say. The snowmobile conference was so much more than I could’ve imagined. I’ve heard it mentioned several times in years past, and always hoped to go someday. Sledding has always looked like so much fun. And this year, it just happened. I didn’t think I could afford it, but I decided to go for one day. Surely, I could splurge and make it happen for just one day. You must consider time off and all the responsible stuff, like travel expenses, but my wife knew I would enjoy it and encouraged me to go. Little did she know I’d be off for a whole week because I had so much fun the first day! As it ended up, I stayed for the entire conference and was one of the last ones out of the parking lot on Sunday morning. The people I met and the camaraderie at this conference was fantastic – second to none. I can’t explain how excited I was to go once the planning started. But the day before showing up, I was less than excited. I got there a day early because of how scheduling worked out but was so nervous I thought about leaving before anyone else showed up. I had only ridden a sled once in my life. What was I getting myself into? I went inside and met Josh and Jason right away. They were friendly and encouraging, so I stayed. But all 30 or so of the owner operators that showed up had their own sleds, except one or two. I was afraid I might be a drag on the whole group. The thought, “How will I ever keep up,” kept running through my head. But, after the arrangements were made, everything worked out. The entire group arrived at the gate between the rental shop and the trails and waited for Brian and me to get our rentals checked out. Then, off we went into the white abyss! Up, up, and up some more, to over 11,000 feet. There are guys with so much experience riding with you that you can ride comfortably without knowing you are riding comfortably. They hang back and watch the group like cowboys herding livestock. Anytime you get in trouble, they are there to bail you out, and you don’t even realize they’re watching out for you. The experiences, friendships, and forever memories made are more than I can describe in so few words. It was funny when Bruce asked me to explain my first year at the conference in 300 words or less, I about fell over. I haven’t written 300 coherent words about one thing since college. And English was always my downfall, and essays are probably why I didn’t end up ever graduating (good thing I can operate a truck). Writing anything seemed overwhelming. I thought there was no way I could write 300 words. But here I am – at 600 words – with so much more to tell. WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND OUR SNOWMOBILE CONFERENCE! Each morning, folks start congregating for coffee and catching up on the past year, and they are glad to see familiar faces. It is so easy to make friends for some reason. Maybe because everyone has common work experience, I don’t know, but the day starts so laid back, it’s a great way to get the day going. Then, you ride out and find some trails, along with some powder and hills. If you’re not comfortable with hills, then you can sit at the bottom with about half the group and visit as you catch your breath and watch the other half go up and down the hill, over and over, as you wonder, “Why are they doing that?” As a first-timer, I couldn’t figure out what made them run up the hill repeatedly. So, I tried it! Oh, my goodness – it is not describable. You have to try it for yourself. And if extreme sledding isn’t your thing, the trail riding is enjoyable, and the camaraderie still makes the trip worthwhile. It’s worth the trip just to meet and hang out with Bruce Mallinson – he is so laid back and down to earth that you’d never know he was a diesel engine performance legend. He will make you feel right at home. Coming to this conference allows you to get your foot in the door of an elite community you don’t realize you are even a part of. And once you meet Bruce, you’ll recognize how meticulous and disciplined he is, and he’ll inspire you to be a better owner operator, all while having the time of your life! To learn more about all our products and services, stop by our shop in Saxonburg, PA during regular business hours, call us at (724) 360-4080, or visit www.pittsburghpower.com. W e love to help truckers get their rig operating at peak performance and efficiency and have been doing it for over 40 years now! n