10-4 Magazine January 2025
48 10-4 Magazine / January 2025 If you can, take advantage of corporate pricing when it is offered. Case in point: I just purchased eight new drive tires at a considerable savings, along with free delivery. Some of you might be wondering what I consider to be “considerable savings” – how about $200 plus per tire! Not only was I able to get tires now, but I was also able to buy a better tire, all because I was prepared to move when the sale was on. Cash is still king, and the cheapest money you will ever spend is that which you have on hand. Note to self: now is not the time to buy any more new toys! Those of our readers who follow my writing each month know I’m not a spend thrift. I like nice things, but not to the point of extravagant behavior. I mention this because I plan to write a follow-up article about the tires, and their process of incorporation into my maintenance program. Until we get this economy rolling again, all of us need to stay on course, and not out-spend our budgets. I still remember when I was learning to drive and my instructor kept repeatedly preached, “Stay in your lane and never pass on a double yellow line!” Do I think good times are coming? You bet I do! It’s the “when” that I’m not sure about. Until we get inflation and fuel prices down, we should not move on expansion. I see those two things as my double yellow line. This country didn’t get in this tough economic situation overnight, and we won’t get out of it quickly, either. Be prepared for a slow start up. This too is tied to the new administration and the pick for the leaders of the money and banking institutions (like the Federal Reserve). The current chairman was nominated by President Trump in his first term and he resided during the last administration, but he may be replaced by a new leader to change the direction of the fed. One of the key elements for economic growth is cheaper money, and along with that is cheaper petroleum. It is the lifeblood of this nation, and every developed country, as well. And we are sitting on an ocean of it right here at home. It’s going to take money to “Drill Baby Drill” so everyone needs to be on board if we are going to get the train to prosperity rolling again. Your current ride may not be the showpiece you dreamed it to be, but it’s still YOUR ride. Keep in mind, those show horses down at the rodeo grounds may look good in the ring, but if you take them to the hills, they probably won’t hold up to a real workout. There’s an old refrain, “Chrome won’t take you home, but it looks good on the side of the road.” These old trucks are a lot like a good saddle horse – they may not look great sitting in the parking lot, and the minute you saddle one up, they act out. But after they buck a couple times, they settle into the routine, and then let you guild them. So, with that in mind, “Hang on buddy, it’s gonna be a rough ride!” We may have a few false starts, or even some pitfalls, before things settle down, and a few of you may get bucked off and have to dust yourselves before climbing back on. Just like that bucking bronco, when you try to reign in a free spirit, they will fight you. But, with perseverance and renewed confidence, we will prevail. We will reinstate pride, patriotism, and the promises associated with this land of opportunity. John Wayne once said, “No one wants to ride into danger, but when it’s time, we just do it!” None of us know for sure what is coming, and it could be dangerous, so what’s your play? Well, I for one am saddled, the cinch is tight, and my hat is pulled down. So, let go of that gate and ride boldly into 2025, 10-4! n 909-452-8064 • www.dcrinconline.com We also have the equipment for your crankshaft needs! 10557 Juniper Ave. Unit M, Fontana, CA 92337 D IESEL C AMSHAFT R EPAIR “Best in the West for Over 40 Years” Exchange Available • Hablamos Español • PU & Delivery SPECIALIZING IN: CAT • CUMMINS • DETROIT • VOLVO
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