10-4 Magazine October 2024

10-4 Magazine / October 2024 47 “How did he get the job?” He was appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Why would the president pick him for this job? Could he have been a DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) selection? Most likely, yes, but why? You’re telling me there are not actual qualifications for the job. Shouldn’t a candidate be, at the very least, from within one of the major components of the industry they are supposed to oversee and regulate? The last secretary of transportation before him was the wife of none other than the leader of the senate. Does anyone see a problem here? As drivers you have more time than most folks to get acquainted with the policies of all the candidates running. That’s from your local school board to the President and Vice President of these United States. It’s the policy that counts, not the personality of the candidate. What I wouldn’t give for a few mean tweets and $1.70/gallon gasoline. Back when we had more jobs than workers, and the workers were able to barter for more pay. Opportunity was rampant, money was available at reasonable rates, and FREEDOMS were a good thing. This may sound like a makeshift fantasy, but it once was reality, and it could be again if the people stand up and say NO MORE of this nonsense. Green energy will not save the world and sending our jobs to other countries won’t solve the unemployment crisis here. I hear the container driver shouting, “But I haul from the ports to the store and it’s a good job.” You may be right, but that’s only the end result of manufacturing overseas. How about all the jobs lost that were involved in the manufacturing of that product? There are far more jobs created in making a product than in selling one. Today, this nation is hurting, and it’s a struggle to keep the mom and pop businesses open and profitable. Look around yourself, at the people making decisions for their futures, and ask yourself, “Can I continue to make the house payment and the car payment, or do we buy groceries to feed our kids?” And this is not a regional issue – it extends to all of us, regardless of our financial status. It’s just as devastating to lose a $600,000 house as it is a $60,000 one. In three short years we have gone from staying home for two weeks to we can’t afford to go anyplace. I will say again, pay attention to the policies, not the personalities. If we ever expect to see affordable fuel at the pump, then we have to change course. Can you say “Drill Baby Drill” or finish the Keystone Pipeline! These are the kinds of changes that are going to be directly affected by this next election. I’m sure green energy has its place and there may come a time when it is feasible, but it’s not up to government to dictate when that time is. That will require the free market to determine its viability and to finance the infrastructure. Any candidate that pushes the “pie in the sky” idea that green energy must be done now and you must bear the consequences for any and all possible future issues is probably not someone who should be in a position of power. When they speak, listen to what they say, and look at their past record. Again, pay attention to the policies, not the personality. Listen to their choices to head these agencies that will control our industry – and you. A few years ago, it was all about who could be named to the Supreme Court. Now it’s about who runs the governmental agencies, and if they get funded or not. Immigration has become another hot spot this year, and every one of us is feeling the effects of the current policies. Regardless of your opinion, it has had an immediate effect on jobs. Seats are being filled by people who may be underqualified, overworked, and driving equipment that may not be up to code. We cannot lower our standards or the quality of driver training just to save a dollar or to employ people who don’t really care about this country. This too will be affected if the right people are elected and sent to represent us. Remember, the department heads of all our three letter agencies (DOT, FBI, CIA, EPA) are appointed by those who we elect. Choose wisely – it’s your future. The only way to effect change in this country is to VOTE, and if that means voting early, then do so. If vote by mail is available to you then do that. Do your part to make it too big to rig! I have taken time to raise your awareness in October so you can get home and take your choice to the polls. Early voting is available in almost all states, so take advantage of the extra time. Years ago, me and many others like me spent years in active military duty (USMC) fighting to ensure our constitution survives the attacks from both foreign and domestic bad actors. If we the people intend to stay a free nation, then it’s imperative we keep the government at bay and in check. There are men and women on every continent today continuing that fight for freedom. Help support them by ensuring the next commander-in-chief has their back. It will take more than a president to accomplish this, as both houses of congress must also be on board, since they control the purse strings and are the only ones who can declare war. They are also the ones who confirm the personnel the President appoints to head agencies like the IRS, the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, the EPA, and so many more that govern our lives. I’ve said this in the past and I find it relevant today: “You need to become the change you’re hoping to see in others.” Keep your eyes open and focused on the prize, not just the shiny objects they flash in front of you, and let your actions speak louder than words, 10-4! n