City of Beverly Hills Community Services - Winter 2024

COMMISSION MEETINGS City Hall - 2nd Floor | Room 280-A Human Relations 3rd Thursday of the Month 9am - 12pm Arts & Culture 2nd Tuesday of the Month 10am - 12pm Recreation & Parks 4th Tuesday of the Month 2pm - 4pm We Create Community! Beverly Hills Community Life CITY COUNCIL Julian A. Gold, M.D., Mayor Lester Friedman, Vice Mayor John A. Mirisch Lili Bosse Sharona R. Nazarian, PsyD CITY TREASURER Howard S. Fisher CITY MANAGER Nancy Hunt-Coffey RECREATION & PARKS COMMISSION Myra B. Lurie, Chairperson Amie Sherry, Vice Chairperson Deborah Termeie JR Dzubak ARTS & CULTURE COMMISSION Maralee Beck, Chairperson Karla Gordy Bristol, Vice Chairperson Deborah Frank Liliana Filipovic Pamela Beck HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Noelle Freeman, Chairperson Laura Margo, Vice Chairperson Vered Elkouby Nisim Rose Kaiserman Pam Kraushaar City Staff Director of Community Services Stephanie Harris Assistant Director of Community Services Patty Acuna Recreation Services Manager Adrine Ovasapyan, Recreation & Events Matthew Brown, Recreation & Culture Paul Paolone, Arts & Culture City Librarian Karen Buth Library Services Manager Sandra Abini Alice Kuo Human Services Administrator Christopher Paulson Community Services Manager Joana Torres Communication and Marketing Coordinator Dana Beesen Customer Services Supervisor Registration Of ce Jaime Rodriguez Graphic Artist Laura Ferguson