Carlsbad Magazine - September-October 2024

IT CAN WAIT SAFER STREETS Safety tips | Classes | Parents guide | and more TOGETHER Ohana 4 3 R D A N N U A L G A L A TO BENEFIT THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF CARLSBAD Ho n o r i n g V i o l a W h e e l i h a n e e l i h a n At North County ' s soc ial event of the season. . . and the most fun! PL EAS E J O I N US SATURDAY OCTOBER 12TH, 2024 Omni La Costa Resort & Spa 6:00pm - 11:00pm For more informat ion please v i s i t www.bgccar l or scan here @bgccannualgala Quest ions? Contact alex@bgccar l 760.585.9080 ext .307 Dance the night away wi th Bonni e Foster Product ions , bid on exc i t ing auct ions , and enjoy fabulous cui s ine ! 100% of the proceeds go to suppor t the