Desert Charities News - Oct-Nov-Dec 2024

W OMEN IN PHILANTHROPY - PAGE 5 DESERT CHARITIES NEWS KATHI FARBER American Association of University Wormen Coachella Valley President Making A Dierence I am proud to be President of the CV branch of AAUW. We are dedicated to advancing gender equity for women and girls and just celebrated our 75th Anniversary! Our supportive and active board and members are focused on 4 major goals: Tech Trek, a weeklong academic residential summer camp for seventh grade girls, Alumnae, supporting these girls through high school, Gov Trek, a two-month virtual leadership course for junior and senior high school girls, and NCCWSL, a college student leadership weekend in Washington D.C. It gives me joy to give back to the community to provide opportunities for the next generation of women to be prepared citizens and leaders. ALISON ELSNER As CEO of the San Bernardino County Medical Society (SBCMS), Alison Elsner continues to be inspired working for physicians to ensure patient equity and access to care. SBCMS is the regional arm of the mega-powerful California Medical Association (CMA), and its mission is simple: promote the science and art of medicine, protection of public health, the betterment of the medical profession and achievement of health equity. SBCMS and CMA, with over 50,000 members, provide comprehensive practice tools, services and support including legislative, legal, regulatory, economic and social advocacy. Together these organizations deliver advocacy outreach and solutions for physicians, including every size of practice and specialty. Combining extensive political and legislative experience with financial management, public aairs and community relations backgrounds, Alison is honored to represent the advancement of policies that empower physicians (MDs and DOs) to thrive in practice, especially during a period of increased physician shortages and the need to ensure equity and access in patient care. Working towards increased Medi-Cal and Medicaid reimbursements for providers as well as strengthening graduate medical education opportunities to create more residency training programs are paramount. After graduating with a B.A. in political science from USC, Alison worked for U.S. Senator Pete Wilson in Washington, D.C. and California Governor Pete Wilson in the Sacramento. Stability of healthcare costs and delivery of high quality medical care with improved outcomes and access for all California patients are critical for California. Alison is committed to helping physicians meet the challenges of delivering quality health care and equitable opportunities for care. Alison Elsner Chief Executive Oªcer (CEO) San Bernardino County Medical Society 1859 W. Redlands Blvd. Redlands, CA 92373 (760) 413-5053-cell/work SPOTLIGHT MELISSA EVANS Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Operations Manager Making A Dierence The Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC) is a nonprofit community development corporation with a mission to improve the living conditions of low-income individuals and families by constructing and operating a¡ordable housing infused with community services programs and other opportunities that enrich, build, and grow their lives. It has been my dream to make a di¡erence and have an impact in my community and here at CVHC I get to do that. It is an honor to work for an organization that puts people first and strives to fulfill its mission with every decision. TALY FANTINI Regional Access Project Foundation Director, NPO Centric Making A Dierence NPO Centric, a program of the Regional Access Project Foundation (RAP), empowers nonprofits to strengthen their capacity and e¡ectiveness. Through our membership program, technical assistance grants, and workshops, we help nonprofits bolster their ability to thrive. As the nonprofit landscape evolves, so too must the strategies and support mechanisms available to these organizations. Our nonprofit organizations are the heartbeat of our community, providing services and access to those in need. It’s an honor to be part of an organization that understands the need works diligently to meet it. SUSAN FRANCIS Coachella Valley History Museum Executive Committee Making A Dierence Making a di¡erence in your community is important throughout your career and beyond. I’m enjoying life and opportunities to expand my service to valley non-profits, o¡ering my years of leadership experience, ‘lessons learned’ and my knowledge of this valley. I serve on the Executive Committee of Coachella Valley History Museum with my respect for history and the importance of its preservation. I also serve on the Board of Directors for Amy’s Purpose, Saving the Lives of Pets with my passion and dedication to animal welfare and animal rescue. I’m happy to continue making a di¡erence in our desert communities. EVE FROMBERG EDELSTEIN Fromberg Edelstein Fromberg Attorney at Law Making A Dierence I endeavor to make a di¡erence by continuing to serve nonprofit organizations that improve the lives of the residents of the Coachella Valley. I continue to work with boards and leaders to improve board governance practice and to promote e¨ciency in delivering the best services and assistance to their clients and the community at large. I serve as legal counsel, consultant and legal advisor to build NPOs that are sustainable, and are looking to grow and expand. WENDY GARCIA Parkinson’s Resource Organization Special Programs Manager Making A Dierence As a lifelong member of the Coachella Valley, I have a deep love and connection to our community. Since my teen years, I have devoted many hours to helping and nurturing community members when they are most vulnerable. As part of Parkinson’s Resource Organization (PRO), I work to bring as much information as I can get to our constituents via support groups and educational videos. With my background in Radio, TV, and Film, I am pushing through communication boundaries to fulfill PRO’s mission: working so no one is isolated because of Parkinson’s. Today, thousands of people have access to PRO’s resources through our various platforms nationwide and abroad.