Desert Health News - March-April 2024 March/April 2024 Desert Health ® The Valley ' s Leading Resource for Health and Wellness 2 Lauren Del Sarto FOUNDER/PUBLISHER Photo by Lani Garfield An Independent Publication (760) 238.0245 • PO Box 802, La Quinta, CA 92247 • @DesertHealthNews Distribution: Desert Health is distributed at 350+ locations throughout the Coachella Valley, including, but not limited to, grocery stores, doctors’ offices, cafes and restaurants, spas, fitness centers and clubhouses. Please call for delivery to your retail location. Desert Health ® is a California Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the Publisher is prohibited. The opinions and views expressed in these pages are those of the writer or persons interviewed and not necessarily those of Desert Health ® . Desert Health ® hereby expressly limits its liability resulting from any and all misprints, errors and/or inaccuracies any advertisement or editorial may contain. This publication is printed on paper sourced from sustainable forests and farms. Thank you to the Desert Health ® team and all our marketing partners! Home delivery subscriptions available. Call (760) 238.0245 Free delivery to your place of business. MADE POSSIBLE BY OUR ADVERTISERS. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THEIR BUSINESSES! Trish Lounsbury DISTRIBUTION Benjamin Katz Creative WEB MASTER Doris Steadman A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Kristy Kneiding LEAD EDITOR James Thomas DISTRIBUTION Heather McKay GRAPHIC DESIGN Lauren Del Sarto Founder/Publisher L go d flo It’s a picturesque desert evening as the sky fades from sunset to dusk. Hundreds of flickering candles reflect off the crystal blue pool while soothing music and lavender scent fill the air. You take a deep breath and snuggle into your plush blanket as your floating vessel softly carries you across the water. The stars shine above as you immerse in the sound of beautiful healing bowls. You have nowhere to be but in the moment. March 24 7-9p Full Moon SOLD OUT April 14 7:30-9:30p Just Announced! April 21 7:30-9:30p Full Moon SOLD OUT May 12 8-10p Mother’s Day SOLD OUT June 23 8-10p Full Moon July 21 8-10p Full Moon August 18 8-10p Full Moon Join us for these upcoming Sunday sound baths at Azure Palm Hot Springs Resort & Spa Now booking hotels, resorts, special events and private estates. We come to you! 760.238.0245 Make it a self-care Sunday and come early to enjoy the mineral hot springs with the 2-Hour Oasis Pass Growth Inside & out Seasons change and our world flourishes. Seasons of our life change, and we are offered the opportunity to flourish and grow as humans. We seem to be feeling the seasons more than ever this year, both literally and figuratively, and how we adapt has a significant impact on our health and well-being. A common theme within this edition is change, from the latest science to a return to ancient trails. Stress levels are high, and people are realizing that everyday wellness is a necessity as we figure out ways to adapt and evolve. How are you doing? Have you stopped to ask yourself that lately? What are you doing for self-care? While the world around us continues to change, the effect it has on us is our choice, and joy, happiness, peace and harmony are nurtured by feeding our mind, body and soul with love and self-care. From creating emotional sovereignty (p.11) to managing stress (p.13), from the latest trends (p.1) and learning from others (p.23) to embracing foods that fuel us (pgs. 10,11, 17, 22), we hope you find inspiration, ideas and resources throughout our pages. Thank you so much for reading. Let’s continue the conversation with love and support for each other – and ourselves. From my heart to yours, Our growing family - with two more on the way this month!
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