Desert Health News - May-June 2024 WHAT’S FOR DINNER? Will there be Food insecurity can cause poor school attendance and performance, lowered workplace productivity, and physical and mental health problems. At our weekly drive-thru distribution, the Galilee Center hands out over 300 food boxes to working families who struggle to make ends meet. Your $40 donation will help feed a family of 4 for 4 days. Food Insecurity in the Coachella Valley is Real. Donate today at Galil Center. org Donations can also bemailed to: P.O. Box 308 - Mecca, CA 92254 Your donation is 100% deductible. ID # 27-3133601 May/June 2024 Desert Health ® The Valley ' s Leading Resource for Health and Wellness 2 Lauren Del Sarto Founder/Publisher Lauren Del Sarto FOUNDER/PUBLISHER Photo by Lani Garfield An Independent Publication (760) 238.0245 • PO Box 802, La Quinta, CA 92247 • @DesertHealthNews Distribution: Desert Health is distributed at 350+ locations throughout the Coachella Valley, including, but not limited to, grocery stores, doctors’ offices, cafes and restaurants, spas, fitness centers and clubhouses. Please call for delivery to your retail location. Desert Health ® is a California Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the Publisher is prohibited. The opinions and views expressed in these pages are those of the writer or persons interviewed and not necessarily those of Desert Health ® . Desert Health ® hereby expressly limits its liability resulting from any and all misprints, errors and/or inaccuracies any advertisement or editorial may contain. This publication is printed on paper sourced from sustainable forests and farms. Thank you to the Desert Health ® team and all our marketing partners! Home delivery subscriptions available. Call (760) 238.0245 Free delivery to your place of business. MADE POSSIBLE BY OUR ADVERTISERS. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THEIR BUSINESSES! Trish Lounsbury DISTRIBUTION Benjamin Katz Creative WEB MASTER Doris Steadman A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Kristy Kneiding LEAD EDITOR James Thomas DISTRIBUTION Heather McKay GRAPHIC DESIGN Michelle Steadman and Lauren Del Sarto, Co-founders, Good Vibes Sound Bath (Photo by Isning Multimedia) One of the many things I love about our Desert community is how people come together to make good things happen. Someone has a unique idea, others are inspired to take part, and before you know it, the world is watching. This edition celebrates a few of those accomplishments. We didn’t set out with that intention; it’s simply how it came together, a shared thought for many behind these accomplishments. When good intentions come to life, more good things happen. We couldn’t be prouder of OneFuture’s recognition as one of 10 model organizations by the Carnagie Corporation of New York. Our community has rallied together in an extraordinary effort to support local youth in their transition to the workforce. Now, others across the country will recognize and learn from their success (p.6). In 2010, John Feller, MD and his team set out to improve the standard of care for the growing number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Their 20-year research study is showing promising results and this month, the HALO Diagnostics team will present their interim findings at the American Urological Association’s annual conference (p.5). We know the foods we eat can cause – and can reverse - disease. The science is growing, as are the number of doctors prescribing food as medicine. However, that science is not making its way into medical schools, so the renowned doctors at The Plantrician Project are now offering it free via Plantrician University (p.10). Efforts likethesecanleadtotremendouschange.Sometimesthepeoplebehind the ideas set out with those goals, and sometimes, it's simply happenstance. Like the little business Michelle and I started last year. We never imagined GoodVibes SoundBathwould receive over 54M Instagramviews and drawpeople from across the county. Many call the experience transformative and hundreds worldwide have reached out to learn how they can share it with their community. People are seeking solace, and for those offering solutions, it is time to rise. Rising Together for the Greater Good