Desert Health News - November-December 2024
. The Health and Environmental Academy of Learning (HEAL) at Cathedral City High School (CCHS) is an accredited program that students traditionally join during their freshman year. During their four years in the academy, students have the opportunity to explore a variety of health care careers, learn life-saving skills such as first aid and CPR, and gain technical and leadership skills that will qualify them for success as prospective college students and future health care professionals. The HEAL Academy offers students a wide range of resources including college trips, direct membership in the international organization Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and various mentorship, volunteer and internship opportunities. One particular resource is the on-campus Health Simulation Lab, which allows students to deepen their passion for health care and practice hands- on skills. The lab contains hospital beds, interactive medical adult and child manikins, medical equipment, patient transport equipment and an Anatomage Table featuring digital cadavers. These tools give students clinical experience simulating medical scenarios and emergencies to develop, practice and strengthen their patient care and life-saving skills. Each August, HEAL seniors prepare for the annual Simulation Lab Presentation that they showcase to underclassmen, parents, teachers and other members of the community. Groups of two to five students investigate a specific branch of medicine by researching various health professions and their salaries, education pathways, skills and career outlook. In addition to a slideshow presentation, the HEAL seniors develop an informative website for their audience featuring information about each medical profession within their chosen field of study. It showcases brief biographies of each HEAL senior, and reports on their skills and participation in HEAL events. This August, the HEAL seniors (’25) worked diligently to prepare their presentations at CCHS’s first Parentpalooza. Another aspect of the HEAL Academy is CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training. On September 21, HEAL juniors were taught various skills by the Cathedral City Fire Department: extinguishing fires, setting up triage, classifying victims for triage and participating in an emergency drill where they evacuated and triaged victims from a “burning” building. This training not only prepares students for future emergency disasters, but also for the annual Great California ShakeOut, which prepares everyone for earthquakes. At the Great ShakeOut on October 15, 2024, HEAL juniors organized and led triage while the seniors transported and swept for victims, analyzing the severity of their conditions based on their respiration, perfusion and mental status. Students not only learn how to navigate stressful environments but also have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, such as managing the Incident Command Center, where students contact hospitals and fire departments to determine how many victims can be transported and treated. Students in the HEAL Academy can sign up and train for the Cal-HOSA State Leadership Conference (SLC) taking place in the spring. During the three-day event, prospective pre-medical students from throughout California compete against each other in health-related competitive events such as CERT skills, clinical nursing and health education. If the students place third place or higher, they qualify to go on to the International Leadership Conference (ILC). In 2024, a teamof four students in CCHS’s HEAL Academy placed second in the public service announcement event, moving on to compete at ILC in Dallas, Texas. Each year, CCHS’s HOSA SLC representatives work closely with the executive team and advisors, who ensure members are well-prepared for SLC by organizing monthly workshops, sending reminders on important deadlines, providing mentorship, etc. In September and October, SLC representatives hosted workshops helping to familiarize newcomers with SLC and assisting members from grades 9-12 in choosing their knowledge tests and competitive events. CCHS’s HEAL Academy is effectively preparing future generations for local health care careers and for life in general. Dina Nguyen and Ralph Serrano are seniors in Cathedral City High School’s HEAL Academy. For more information on valleymedical academies, visit OneFuture Coachella Valley at or call (760) 625.0422. November/December 2024 Medical News The Valley ' s Leading Resource for Health and Wellness 6 Health academy students take part in community emergency response training CERTified Future Health Professionals By Students Dina Nguyen and Ralph Serrano Elders need to speak up! Don’t just wait to be asked. It’s your duty to share stories about your history, ancestors, cultural heritage and your life. That’s how people learn — from victories and mistakes — since history repeats itself. Pass on your knowledge and experience to younger generations to spare them from making your mistakes or encourage them to make choices you made. A younger person may not directly reach out for advice, but that doesn’t mean you can’t offer it if they sound like they could use some direction. I often mention with a smile that, “Free advice is worth every penny.” To honor a life well-lived, consider documenting your experiences and lessons for others. There are now services available that will send you questions and then publish your answers. Share your stories with your loved ones and anyone else you trust, and be prepared to answer their questions as they discover what you’ve been through. Both of my parents did this and I marvel at the rich lives they had and continuously learn from their setbacks and triumphs. Peopleof all ageswant tomatter. Listeningtoolder adults isnot just about respecting their age; it's about recognizing that their wisdom, experience, cultural heritage and support is a treasure trove that can enrich our lives and strengthen communities. Let’s make an extra effort to hear the important stories and lessons they have to share. Dr. Susan Murphy is a best-selling author, business consultant and speaker in relationships, conflict, leadership and goal-achievement. Her newest book, Leading Successful Teams: How to Create a Winning Culture, will be published this year. Contact her at or visit . Reference: 1) Karl A. Pillemer, PhD, Professor of Human Development, Cornell University; Author, "30 Lessons for Loving: Advice from the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships, and Marriage." The Wisdom of Years Continued from page 5
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