Desert Health News September-October 2024 Many of us still are not getting enough sleep. Phones and other electronics, binge watching the latest streaming service series, or our never-ending work and family obligations can put quality pillow time on the back burner. Let this article be a friendly reminder of how crucial sleep is for maintaining health. Sleep, diet and exercise are paramount for intracellular healthand regeneration of our bodies. Either independently or in combination, optimizing each of these areas plays a significant role in daily physical and mental acuity and performance, as well as how we respond to illness. Once you begin to make small daily changes in each of these areas, you will notice significant improvements in how you feel and in your overall well-being. Insufficient sleep quantity or quality leads to decreases in general health affecting numerous systems including cardiovascular, mental and cellular health; poor glucose regulation and increased pro-inflammatory cytokines. Poor sleep can also increase systemic inflammation, the primary cause of most chronic disease. Sleep also plays a large role in mental health and cognitive function; as the amount of sleep time declines, mental health suffers. Ever notice how lack of sleep can make you crabby and agitated? Those unhappy emotions can be a sure sign that you need more shut-eye. Our sleep patterns shift with life changes and aging. Good restorative sleep is incredibly important for stem cell production and for overall restoration of the body, especially as we age. Proper sleep allows the body to regenerate and rejuvenate as it provides time for our body to repair damaged tissue by increasing growth hormone and stem cell production. The energy conservation theory states that sleep allows for the body to repair and replenish cellular components necessary for biological functions that become depleted throughout the waking day. Have trouble falling asleep? Mindfulness meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality and lifespan by decreasing ruminative thoughts and emotional reactivity. It has been proven to decrease stress and improve general health, which suggests that both sleep and stress levels play an important role in overall health, separately and in combination. Let’s remain mindful to gift ourselves a high-quality diet, less stress, increased exercise and quality pillow time. Remember, when we are sleeping, we are repairing, so rest well, my friends! Candice Nicole is a health advocate and founder of HUmineral food derived mineral nutrients. She can be reached at or (818) 400.7657. For more information, visit . :ources: 1) 12; 2) boost-cellular-health-and-energy; 3) As the air begins to cool and sun’s intensity subsides, autumn invites us to shift our energy inward, reflecting the natural world's preparation for the cooler months ahead. In our modern, fast-paced lives, it's easy to miss these subtle cues for renewal and introspection. However, by embracing yogic principles and practices, we can align ourselves with the season's energy, harvesting both strength and peace for the journey ahead. The yogic perspective teaches us that we are intimately connected with the rhythms of nature. Just as trees shed their leaves, we too can release what no longer serves us, making space for new growth and deeper self-understanding. This autumn, let's explore how we can apply ancient wisdom to our contemporary lives, cultivating resilience and inner calm amidst the whirlwind of our daily responsibilities. Grounding through change Autumn is a season of transition, and change can often bring uncertainty. The practice of grounding becomes essential during this time. In yoga, we often start our practice by connecting to the ground beneath us, our selves and our breath. This grounding is practice for when we step off our mat and into our lives. Wellness wisdom: Begin your day with a simple grounding meditation. Stand barefoot on the earth, if possible, or simply feel your feet firmly planted on the floor. Take five deep breaths, imagining roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into the earth. This practice can help you feel stable and centered, ready to face whatever the day may bring. Harvesting inner strength As the season shifts, it's an ideal time to focus on building both physical and mental strength. In yoga, we understand that true strength comes from a balance of effort and ease, of holding on and letting go. Wellness wisdom: Incorporate a few minutes of core work into your daily routine. Try holding plank pose for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the duration as you build strength. Remember to breathe deeply, finding steadiness in the challenge. This practice not only strengthens your physical core but also builds mental resilience and focus. Embracing the art of letting go The falling leaves remind us of the beauty in release. In our lives, holding onto past hurts, outdated beliefs, or unnecessary possessions can weigh us down, preventing growth and renewal. September/October 2024 Natural Options The Valley ' s Leading Resource for Health and Wellness 12 MYOFASCIAL RELEASE The Missing Link To Authentic Healing For the Treatment of: • Headaches/Migraines • TMJ • Neck andBack Pain • Fibromyalgia • Carpal Tunnel • Plantar Fasciitis • Neurological Conditions Benefits Include: • Decreased Pain • Decreased Inflammation • IncreasedRange ofMotion • IncreasedMobility • IncreasedCirculation • Improved Posture • ImprovedMood&Cognition 760.895.5145 online scheduling at: Gina M. Malloy, PT, MS Licensed Physical Therapist OfferingSpecializedTreatment for Women’sHealth Issues (including, but not limited to) Endometriosis • Bladder Incontinence Mastectomy Pain andScars The yogic perspective teaches us how intimately connected we are with the rhythms of nature. Our quality of sleep affects function down to the cellular level. Humic/Fulvic Acid Mineral A mineral food in supplement form promoting cellular health Minerals and water are necessities. Minerals are responsible for every biological process of the body. Healthy aging at the cellular level • Anti-Inflammatory • Auto-Immune Support • Better Sleep • Collagen Production • Detoxification • Filters Heavy Metals • Healthy Enzyme Levels • Healthy, Joint, Bone, Muscle, Tendon • Healthy Thyroid • Healthy Skin • Hormonal Support • Nutrient Absorption • Restore Balance to Body • Stamina 818.400.7657 | Supports cells and the entire body, head to toe, internal and external, youth to elderly. Quality Pillow Time By Candice Nicole Harvest Strength and Peace Yogic perspective for autumn renewal By Jennifer Yockey Continued on page 15