Foothills Sentry February 2020
Foothills Sentry Page 2 February 2020 By Stephanie Lesinski Disregarding impassioned pleas from hundreds of Anaheim Hills residents to save a neighbor- hood retail center, the Anaheim City Council voted 4 to 2 to re- place the Serrano Center with the Residences at Nohl Ranch. The project is an up-to-three- story, 54-condominium develop- ment at the corner of Nohl Ranch and Serrano Avenue. The Ana- heim Planning Commission had unanimously rejected it, and the property owner appealed to the city council. Mayor Harry Sidhu and Councilmember Jose Moreno voted against the appeal; Coun- cilmembers Denise Barnes, Jor- dan Brandman, Lucille Kring and Stephen Faessel voted in favor. Councilmember Trevor O’Neil, Anaheim Hills’ representative, re- cused himself from voting, citing a conflict of interest regarding his presentation opposing the project to the planning commission. “We are shocked that council would land this devastating blow to our community,” said Anaheim resident Bill Leming. “This vote goes against the city’s own master plan that calls for reducing traffic by minimizing distances between Anaheim City Council approves 54 condos despite mass objections Anaheim citizens unite to protect zoning rights Dozens of people from neigh- borhoods across Anaheim have come together to form a citizens group aimed at protecting exist- ing zoning laws. Anaheim Citi- zens for Sensible Development (ACSD) intends to counteract de- velopers who are circumventing local zoning laws. Those developers are also strong-arming city council mem- bers to approve developments that don’t fit the character and needs of existing neighborhoods. “We are open to development,” said Bill Leming, president of ACSD, “but it needs to make sense for our residents.” Those interested in joining ACSD are encouraged to visit the group’s Facebook page, Anaheim Citizens for Sensible Development. TUSD’s Measure N asks voters for bond money Tustin Unified School District is asking voters to approve a $215 million bond to repair and replace deteriorating school facilities. The bond would assess property owners three cents per $100 of their assessed property value. Over the past two years, Tustin Unified School District has built a Facilities Master Plan with direct input from over 600 stakeholders and conversations with thousands of residents. Measure N is the result of these community con- versations, and provides a plan to address the districts most critical facilities needs. Measure N funds are targeted to upgrade 1960s era, classrooms; improve student safety, security and wellbeing; rehabilitate roofs, plumbing, sewer, and electrical systems; and renovate student support spaces for college/career readiness in science, math, tech- nology, engineering, arts. TUSD voters approved pre- vious school bond measures in 2002, 2008 and 2012. residential, shopping and employ- ment.” Leming is president of a newly formed group, Anaheim Citizens for Sensible Develop- ment. Exceptions prove the rule The investor requested waivers to allow for smaller setbacks and exceptions that are meant to pre- serve native species currently on the site, which is located within the city’s Scenic Corridor Over- lay Zone. “We’re not opposed to development,” said Leming, “but it needs to make sense for the neighborhood. We are a commu- nity with thousands of homes and only one retail center. How does wiping that out benefit the com- munity?” A champion of affordable hous- ing, Moreno said he met with business owners and residents at the center. He concluded that adding just 11 affordable units didn’t justify eliminating a true community center where residents could gather. Apparently others didn’t do as much due diligence. Kring said, “we’re only talking about 12 busi- nesses.” In fact many of the busi- nesses occupy multiple suites, nearly filling the entire 30,000 sq. ft. of retail space. At the planning commission hearing in October, the applicant maintained that the center was underperforming. However, the community circulated an online petition that garnered more than 700 signatures. Supporters say the center is heavily used, especially by Anaheim Hills Elementary School students who are able to walk across the street for after- school activities. The center hosts Orange Coun- ty Performing Arts Academy with a reported 600 students, as well as Kumon Math and Learning Cen- ter of Anaheim and 3K Martial Arts. The school’s PTA also sent the city a letter, opposing the high density and citing safety concerns. During the comment period, resi- dents raised multiple objections to the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The traffic study, for ex- ample, claimed the condos would generate less traffic than the cen- ter, which generates nearly zero traffic when children are crossing the street to school. A small sacrifice During the meeting, council- members agreed to a minimal reduction – from 58 to 54 units, and a decrease in the number of three-story dwellings. Of the 54 units, 11 will be reserved for low- income families, which won the applicant a density bonus. At the planning commission meeting, O’Neil expressed his concern, “We’re looking at a code that re- quires the project size to be five acres and this is three. And the density — we’re cramming more units in there than our code al- lows.” He continued, “The state says if somebody offers to build these affordable housing projects, we have to grant them these con- cessions. O’Neil is referring to California housing legislation that applies to projects already zoned residential. Since this land was zoned com- mercial, council had no obliga- tion to amend the general plan or change the zoning. The Serrano Center’s owner John Saunders, reportedly paid a lobbyist to convince council members that the center was un- derperforming. However, Leming says his group’s survey proved just the opposite. The center is currently at near-full occupancy. Leming said among comparable Anaheim businesses, Serrano Center rent rates fall in the mid- dle of the group surveyed. “It’s a shame this owner chose to spend his money on a lobbyist instead of using it to upgrade this center. If he had, he could justify charging higher rates,” said Leming. Anaheim Hills residents are considering their options follow- ing the city council’s decision. Serrano Center
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