Foothills Sentry February 2022

Foothills Sentry Page 10 February 2022 Local teen feeds 12,000 food-insecure children in Orange County By Jeff Merkow Jared Weissberg, a senior at Or- ange County School of the Arts (OCSA), was surprised to learn that as many as 98,000 kids in Or- ange County go hungry each day. To address the food insecurity that these Southern Californians face, Jared began the nonprofit Baking on a Budget (BoaB). For the past three years, BoaB has served hun- dreds of food-insecure individu- als throughout the county. Recently, he began a food drive to feed 9,800 children. He want- ed to target 10% of the 98,000 food-insecure children in Orange County. BoaB began working with the Second Harvest Food Bank and Community Action Partnership of Orange County to distribute this food. As of mid- January, BoaB had exceeded its goal, securing 14,400 pounds of food to feed 12,000 children in need. After exceeding his initial goal to feed 9,800 children, Jared in- creased this goal by 50%. He rec- ognizes that, “Chipping away at food insecurity is a constant pro- cess and struggle.” At OCSA, Jared reached out to his peers to collect nonperish- ables. Partner organizations, such as Mardan School and Temple Beth Sholom, contributed their time and effort to make the food drive possible. For his commitment to commu- nity service, Jared was awarded the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the President of the United States. Those interested in contribut- ing to this meaningful food drive can contact Jared at jared.weiss- “My work has only just begun,” Jared Weissberg says of his efforts to feed hungry children. “Power of the Pasta Chef” coming in March The Crescendo Chapter of the Guilds of Segerstrom Center will present restaurateur/humanitarian Bruno Serato at its March 10 Ce- lebrity Speakers series. A champion of “motel fami- lies,” Serato has been knighted by the Italian government and blessed by the Pope. His Anaheim restaurant, the White House, has served U.S. Presidents, sports stars and celebrities. He also pre- pares hundreds of meals for dis- advantaged children. Serato will discuss the “Power of the Pasta Chef” at the Bowers Museum at 10 a.m. Tickets are $30 for general admission and for Crescendo Chapter members. Bowers Museum members may buy one discounted ticket for $25. For information about Bow- ers membership or student tickets contact Mary Staton, (714) 567- 3600. The museum is located at 2002 N. Main Street, Santa Ana. Parking is $6. The Crescendo Chapter of the Guilds of Segerstrom raises funds to support the center’s communi- ty engagement and arts education programs. Conservative Patriots get started Attendees at the inaugural meeting of the Conservative Pa- triots of OC elected a slate of of- ficers. Deborah Pauly was elected president; Martha Ming, vice president, ways and means; Nan- cy Tucker, treasurer; and Lisa Frank, recording secretary. The organization agreed to support the School Choice and Our Neighborhood Voices (SB9) initiatives, which are currently in the signature-gathering phase, statewide. The next meeting will be Thurs- day, Feb. 17 at the Elks Lodge in Santa Ana. Educator Peggy Hall will address school choice, vac- cines and mandates in Califor- nia schools. Registration opens at 5:30 p.m. The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. A dinner buffet pre- pared by the Elks Lodge chefs will be served. Reservations are $25 per person. Tickets may be purchased online at conservative- patriotsoc@org; or contact Peggy Baranyay at (714) 828-1289. The Santa Ana Elks Lodge is located at 1751 S. Lyon Street. ActionWeek! inspires reading in Orange Orange Blossom StoryWalk guide Alison Martin shares a page with a Dr. Seuss fan. Assistance League of Orange is conducting a new book drive for elementary grade children through Feb. 19. All books col- lected from the public, as well as from Assistance League mem- bers, will be presented to a local elementary school during Action- Week!, Feb. 21-26. During ActionWeek! Assis- tance League chapters nationwide focus on literacy and combat- ing learning loss, a serious side effect of the pandemic. Donors may bring their books to the As- sistance League Thrift Shop, 20 Plaza Square, where staff will collect them. The week will culminate with a StoryWalk sponsored by the Orange Blossoms Auxiliary of Assistance League, in partnership with the Orange Public Library, on Sat., Feb. 26, 1-4 p.m. The StoryWalk starts and ends at the public library on Chapman Avenue. The reading adventure route takes participating families around the Orange Plaza, where posters display the pages of two Dr. Seuss classics: “The Lorax” and “One Fish, Two Fish.” At the end of the journey, each young reader may choose a free book to take home from the library. Art League features pastel artist The Tustin Art League will present a Zoom demo with pas- tel artist Colette Odya Smith, Wednesday, Feb. 9 from 3 to 5 p.m. Participants will get the in- side info as Smith plans and de- cides what and how to paint, and then watch it take form. Join the meeting via the link at Smith is an award-winning art- ist, named a Master Pastelist, Em- inent Pastelist and Master Circle Member and Distinguished Pas- telist by a number of international societies. She has been featured in the Pastel Journal, American Artist and Partique des Arts mag- azines. Her work is exhibited in the Ming Gallery Art Museum in Suzhou, China. STEAM celebration coming The Orange Public Library Foundation will celebrate and recognize organizations that have contributed to STEAM education in the community on March 20. The gala celebration begins at 3 p.m. at the Orange Public Library, 407 E. Chapman Ave. Proceeds directly benefit Orange libraries. Donate or volunteer today. Visit or call Executive Director Lynn-Marie Frediani at (714) 288-2470 for information.