Foothills Sentry February 2023

Page 13 Foothills Sentry February 2023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REAL ESTATE SENIOR RESIDENTIAL CARE Residential Care Home for the Older Adult Sonia Garcia-Francia CEO 714-269-7307 Kelly S. Francia Harlan Administrator 714-812-0137 M.A. Psychology, M.A. Gerontology Master of HR Management North Tustin Locations UPHOLSTERY RAULS . CUSTOMUPHOLSTERY . DESIGN @ GMAIL . COM REMODELING Tustin Hills REMODELING SCOTT MAYS Owner/Operator (714) 501-9415 TUSTINHILLSREMODELING.COM Lic #822974-B TustinHills_SD_BW_AD.indd 1 9/22/22 3:49 PM DOORS Door – Hung/Installed Call Robert (714) 878-8262 PIANO INSTRUCTION Your home. Learn music you love. 20 yrs exp. BA music/child development. (949) 637-8208 STORAGE RV Boat – Car Storage Silverado Canyon Available Immediately (714) 227-6379 FOR RENT Furnished 3,600 sq ft Villa Park home, 4 Bedrooms, Triple Garage, Pool. Please supply 3 references. $10K a month Please call (657) 604-9617 CLASSIFIEDS ARCHITECTS ATTORNEYS VETERINARIANS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY David T. Geske Financial Advisor, CFP® 2 Executive Cir, Ste 280, Irvine, CA 92614 O ce: 949.567.9945 x101 Website: redwoodinvestments CA Insurance Lic # 0D59469 INVESTMENTS Securities o ered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are o ered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Redwood Investments is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services. TAXES H & H INCOME TAX INSURANCE ANAY CATALINA 480 S GLASSELL ST, ORANGE (Corner of Glassell & La Veta) 714-288-2088 Personal and Business Taxes, Notary Forms 1099misc, w2s, Sales taxes. Since 1983 The only o ce that can le taxes back to 1997 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS Tell them you saw them in the Foothills Sentry! $25 OFF WITH THIS AD "Letters" continued from page 5 page as their own personal blog, much of which is outright lies and fabrications. These writers and their comrades continue to bully parents online and at board meet- ings, and are just all around nasty. I am so sick of seeing these people representing parents of OUSD, as if they are the spoke- holes for all parents. Let me as- sure you, they are not. Many of us stand by the board and its de- cision to fire the superintendent and her assistant. I hope you give other viewpoints a print in the Sentry , and not just those whose values align with woke ideology. I commend the board majority for putting education first, addressing failing student scores and getting kids back on the path to success. Megan Ybarra-Casas Orange Dear Editor: In a moment of life when I should be cherishing time spent with my newborn, having tea par- ties with my three-year-old, and playing catch with my five-year- old, I am instead defending their futures from the reckless actions of a short-sighted majority on the Orange Unified Board of Educa- tion. Just a few months ago, my wife and I dropped our oldest child off for his first day of transitional kindergarten at Jordan Academy, one of OUSD’s dual language im- mersion schools. We didn’t know how he would take to learning a new language, interacting with new children, adapting to new adults, figuring out how to order cafeteria lunch. In only a few days, it was obvious – he had found a new home, new friends and a safe environment. As the spring semester begins, I should be coordinating tee-ball with the other parents. Instead, I am coordinating recall efforts with the other parents. I should be helping my son pick his after- school activities. Instead, I am hoping the funding remains for after-school activities. I should be asking him at the dinner table, “Como estuvo tu dia?” Instead, I am rushing away from dinner to attend marathon board meetings. Firing two well-regarded ad- ministrators over winter break with as little notice as legally al- lowed and costing the district $1 million is not sound governance; it is the systematic destabiliza- tion of OUSD that Rick Ledesma, John Ortega, Angie Rumsey and Madison Miner have been wait- ing for years to begin. Scott Resnick Orange Dear Editor: Last night we witnessed an- other attack on our children and community by Rick Ledesma, John Ortega, Angie Rumsey and Madison Miner. Despite overwhelming com- ments against their plan, they would rather light millions of dollars of our tax money on fire instead of investing that in our schools. Then they decided to spend at least $60k more of our tax dollars to hire John Ortega’s business partner, Edward Velasquez, as the Interim Superintendent. $60k for a man who lives in Idaho -- and for seven weeks of work. This is financial malfeasance. Why are they doing this? It’s an agenda fueled by lies and cham- pioned by grifters. This same agenda is playing out in Pla- centia/Yorba Linda, the Orange County Board of Education and across the nation. Their half-baked lies about CRT, sex-ed and LGBTQ Ameri- cans are complete fabrications, but to an uninformed person they sound scary. These lies only work when enough parents aren’t in- volved and aren’t paying atten- tion. We must counter these lies and attacks and save our school dis- trict. Please, please join the OUSD Recall. Soren Williams Anaheim Dear Editor: I am alarmed and angry that someone who believes that the 2020 presidential election was stolen is sitting on our school board, making decisions as to what our children will be taught in public school. It is well docu- mented that the election was le- gitimate and that those who are convinced otherwise are deluded by lies and propaganda. We can- not allow someone who is so dangerously misguided anywhere near the decision-making levers of our school board. In a cam- paign interview with “Voice of OC,” Madison Miner answered the question: “Do you believe the last presidential election was stolen?” with “Not applicable.” Only a fool would be blind to what that answer says. Dangerous conspiracy theories have no place on our school board. Mitch Faris Orange Dear Editor: The Apostle Paul wrote that “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is benefi- cial …” In the same sense, the new majority on the Orange Unified School District Board of Trustees has the power to make whatever decisions they choose. The ques- tion should be: Are your deci- sions beneficial? As the parent of a child attend- ing an OUSD school, I question the board's decision to dismiss a respected Superintendent (and her immediate subordinate) with- out cause. That decision, which could cost OUSD up to $1 mil- lion, came across as neither thoughtful nor considerate. A parent in support of the new board majority spoke about how she had concerns about the qual- ity of OUSD schools, so she enrolled her child in a charter school. I applaud that parent – and others – for being proactive in their children’s education. That is their choice. Conversely, parents who choose to send their child to public school have the same rights when it comes to choice. And the OUSD Board of Trustees are elected to be shepherds of the public school district. As the Apostle Peter wrote, “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not be- cause you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve.” I ask this new board majority to respect the wishes of the major- ity of parents and students in the flock they have been entrusted to care for. Otherwise, I suggest they choose a different flock. Eugene Fields Orange PLUMBING