Foothills Sentry March 2024

Page 11 Foothills Sentry MARCH 2024 SERVICE DIRECTORY ELECTRICAL MOVERS REAL ESTATE HOME MORTGAGES HANDYMAN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING WEALTH MANAGEMENT HOT TUB / REPAIRS We accept Credit Cards 714-814-4440 cell FREE ESTIMATES t LOW-LOW $$$ t3FDFTTFE -JHIUJOH Fluoresce O t t Troubles I oot JOH t 240vOutlets t Breakers/Rewiri OH t Switc I es/Fa OT /Spas t 1BOFM 6QHSBEFT 3FTJEFOUJBM t $PNNFSDJBM *OEVTUSJBM FNBJM QSPNQUFMFDUSJDTFSWJDF!ZBIPP DPN 4UBUF -JDFOTF $ HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVER LOCAL MOVING IS OUR SPECIALTY 4".& %": 4&37*$& t '3&& &45*."5&4 (800) 490-1150 3&4*%&/5*"- $0..&3$*"- Cal State Lic Puc #189065 No Hidden Charges t %":4 " 8&&, t '3&& 8"3%30#& #09 64& t '63/*563& #-"/,&5 83"11&% t 1"$,*/( #09&4 "7"*-"#-& t 4503"(& "7"*-"#-& t 1*"/0 41&$*"-*454 t -0$"- /&*()#03*/( 45"5&4 t 5*.& 45"354 "5 :063 %003 t '6--: -*$&/4&% */463&% HOUR MINIMUM ASK FOR DETAILS 20 yrs. experience Plumbing Leaking Faucets Water Heaters Garbage Disposals Electrical Painting Install Ceiling Fans Switches Dimmers Iron Gates Fence BJ Handyman Reasonable Rates | Free Estimate Phone: (714) 633-6950 Cell: (714) 225-8773 60 day drain guarantee t Clean, Neat and Professional t Leak DetectionWater & Gas t Drain Camera Inspection & Location t Pipe Re Lining/ Trenchless Sewer Repair t Hydro Jetting t Copper and Pex Repiping TanklessWater Heater Specialist t Water Heaters t Slab Leaks t Bonded t Insured t References 'BNJMZ PXOFE BOE PQFSBUFE t ZFBST QMVNCJOH JO 0$ Lifetime north Tustin resident FREE ESTIMATES -JDFOTF $B )063 4&37*$& t :&"3 (6"3"/5&& 0/ 803, It’s what we do Newport Beach, California Michael A. Reimer Senior Vice President/Investments Chase A. Nishida, AAMS TM Registered Investment Associate Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Member SIPC & NYSE | helping you pursue your financial goals. Reimer Wealth Management Group Specializing in above ground hot tub leaks, repairs, cleanings & weekly maintenance. -HJ[VY` JLY[PÄLK [LJOUPJPHUZ VɈLYPUN PU ^HYYHU[` V\[ VM ^HYYHU[` YLWHPYZ (714) 714-3940 5HVLGHQWDO Ť /RQJ 7HUP 6KRUW 7HUP 5HQWDOV Ť &RPPHUFLDO Give us a call or text! We haven’t lost a patient yet! 29(5 <($56 2) ,1'8675< (;3(5,(1&( SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS Tell them you saw them in the Foothills Sentry! VPHS hosts Cloches de Mariage It was the 18th wedding for Madame Fatima Pazargadi. Each one has been unique, beautiful and expansive – and completely in French. The Villa Park High School French teacher annually chal- lenges her language students to coordinate a lavish ceremony and reception to celebrate love and marriage, replete with gowns, À RZHUV IRRG DQG PXVLF ,W LV UX PRUHG WKDW 0DGDPH ¿ QDQFHV WKH majority of the wedding costs, with a new dress and veil for each bride, and bridesmaids’ dresses.) The entire student body looks forward to the annual tradition, and many are involved. Madame selects exemplary students to participate in the wed- ding. Claire von Ting was desig- nated as the bride, escorted down the aisle by Principal Dennis McCuistion to meet her groom, Louis Hermann. French Club President and Wedding Planner Madeline Va- lenta welcomed the student JXHVWV DQG R൶ FLDOV 7KH 2UDQJH +LJK -527& SUHVHQWHG WKH FRORUV and, after the ceremony, formed a regal arch with their sabers for the “newlyweds” to walk under. VPHS Madrigals sang the na- tional anthem, while students Eva Camera and Sadie Clemmons sang “La Marseillaise.” Katie Dannenbring acted as the priest. The maid of honor was Natalie Kaufman; James Falk, the best man. Kat Tighe, Aubrey Pel- legrino, Kristen Lambert, Char- lie Herrera and Piper Yohman were bridesmaids in ice blue. Ben Brown, Jason Trinh, Youssef Badr, Brian Wilson and Ryan Gerger were groomsmen. Gar- land holders were Zoe Weichsel- berger, Kiana Ramirez, Isabella Camera, Yvonne Vu, Violet Shaw and Joy Aguillar. Flower Girls were Reagan and Vivian Vander- cook, and TJ Clemmons was ring bearer. Madame Katie Marx from Cerro Villa Middle School was mother of the groom. The event has all of the pag- eantry and ceremony of a “real” wedding, with the couple lighting a unity candle, the cutting of a three-tiered wedding cake, crepes by Crepes de Paris, toasts, music, D ¿ UVW GDQFH DQG D UHG 7KXQGHU bird convertible sporting “Just Married” signs. OUSD Visual Arts programs showcased at free concert 7KH 2UDQJH 8QL¿ HG 3XEOLF Schools Foundation is teaming ZLWK &KDSPDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ WR SUHV HQW WKH 286' KRQRU EDQG DQG RU chestra in a free concert on Tues- day, March 19. Supporting the district’s Vi- VXDO DQG 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV 9$3$ programs is a key component of 2836)¶V PLVVLRQ DORQJ ZLWK VWX dent mental wellness/social emo- tional health and teacher grants. &KDSPDQ 8QLYHUVLW\ LV SURYLGLQJ the venue, Memorial Hall, park- ing and other resources to help with the performance. 7KH 286' +RQRU %DQG DQG 2UFKHVWUD WZR VHSDUDWH JURXSV are created from teacher recom- mendations and auditions by stu- dent musicians in grades 5-12. All schools are represented. Memorial Hall is located at 321 E. Palm Avenue. The Honor 2UFKHVWUD ZLOO SHUIRUP DW S P the Honor Band will begin at 7:30 p.m. While there is no charge for admission, donations are wel- come. Bride Claire von Ting and groom Louis Hermann 3KRWR E\ :\DWW -H൵ UH\ :HOOV