Foothills Sentry March 2024

Foothills Sentry Page 14 MARCH 2024 COMMUNITY SPORTS BY CLIFF ROBBINS AND CHAD CLINE Canyon High’s Mustafa Yilmaturk (0) teams up with Jeremy Loreto (14) and Zach Cutler (43) for the rebound. Zulema Andrade from El Modena High (with ball) led her team with ¿ YH JRDOV LQ DQ TXDUWHU¿ QDO ZLQ RYHU 6HJHUVWURP +LJK 9DQHVVD 6RWR IURP (O 0RGHQD JHWV WKH SDVV Rৼ GHVSLWH EHLQJ GRXEOH teamed. -HUHP\ /RUHWR IURP &DQ\RQ +LJK JRHV LQ IRU WKH OD\XS DJDLQVW 5DQ FKR &XFDPRQJD +LJK &DQ\RQ ZRQ WKH JDPH ZLWK WZR FOXWFK free throws. 6DPDQWKD 6LPPRQV IURP (O Modena assists on the play for the goal. &DQ\RQ JRDONHHSHU %ULJKWRQ 'HQHV JHWV DQ DVVLVW IURP -RUGDQ 6LP PRQV WR JHW D OHJ XS RQ WKH SOD\ &DQ\RQ +LJK GHIHDWHG 9LOOD 3DUN +LJK &DQ\RQ HQWHUHG WKH &,) JLUOV ZDWHU SROR SOD\Rৼ V WKH WHDP ZDV HOLPLQDWHG LQ WKH TXDUWHU¿ QDOV Alina Casares from El Modena VFRUHV RYHU WKH EORFN DWWHPSW LQ WKH TXDUWHU¿ QDOV $ULDQD .DQJ (O 0RGHQD JRDONHHSHU SRVWHG HLJKW EORFNHG VKRWV DQG IRXU VDYHV LQ WKH ¿ QDOV OCADA 2023- 24 Athletes of Character Awards announced In other CIF winter playoffs, ɅǕƲ٪ȮɍƇdzǛ˚٪Ʋȯȷؚ٪ Rugby starts at Villa Park High El Modena girls water polo team goes deep into the playoffs The Orange County Athletic Directors Association presented its Athletes of Character Awards on Jan. 22 at Servite High School. Awardees are honored for their sportsmanship, teamwork and in- tegrity. From Canyon High School were Karys McKinney, girls soc- cer, track; and Luke Kornely, water polo, swim. From Villa Park High were Katarina Car- cich, tennis and water polo; and Justin Tims, baseball. From El Modena High were Jolie Khalil, tennis; and Greg Koutures, foot- ball. From Foothill High were Kate Jensen, tennis; and Aaron Mitchell, football. From Orange Lutheran High School were Sa- mantha Kim, swim and dive; and Peter Thompson, wrestling. From Orange High were Kimberly Li- non, girls basketball; and Joseph Carrillo, football. Foothill boys basketball, boys and girls soccer and girls water polo entered the CIF State Tour- nament. Villa Park’s girls soccer and The El Modena girls water SROR WHDP HQWHUHG WKH SOD\R൵ V DV a wild card entry, and drew Cade High School. First round, El Modena eliminated Cade. Then, four goals by Danica Claxton and ¿ YH JRDOV E\ =XOHPD $QGUDGH led El Modena to an 11-8 win over Segerstrom High. A 12-6 win over La Quinta advanced El Modena to the Division 6 CIF-SS )LQDOV IRU WKH ¿ UVW WLPH LQ VFKRRO history, with only Indio High School standing in the way. Indio was an early season vic- tim, but jumped out to a 3-0 lead. Vanessa Soto found the cage, with an assist from Brianna So- berano, to start the second quar- ter. El Modena shooting was cold XS WR WKDW SRLQW 7KH ¿ UVW VKRWV didn’t fall. Soberano and Soto added a goal each to trail by a one at the half, 3-4. Overall El Modena shot 24%, 8 for 33. El Modena was awarded a pen- alty shot to Brianna Soberano to tie the game at 4-4 to start the third quarter. Soto and Samantha Simmons scored a goal each to take a two-point lead, 6-4. The lead changed hands seven times from there. Indio tied the score, 8-8, and held the lead with 20 seconds remaining to claim vic- tory. El Modena’s championship run ended. Scoring recap: Simons (three goals), Soto (three goals), Casa- res, Andrade (one goal each), Kang (six blocks, two saves). The Villa Park High School rugby team opened the season with an eight-game schedule, and has a roster of 18 players, seven RI ZKRP DUH IUHVKPDQ ¿ YH VRSK omores, four juniors and three seniors. EDVNHWEDOO DGYDQFHG WR WKH ¿ QDOV &DQ\RQ +LJK TXDOL¿ HG ¿ YH WHDPV IRU &,) 66 ¿ QDOV LQFOXGLQJ ER\V and girls soccer, girls water polo, boys and girls basketball.