Foothills Sentry - March 2025

Page 13 Foothills Sentry MARCH 2025 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY INVESTMENTS TAXES ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTS SCREEN PRINTING Coalescent Design Group KolorSplash OC Bruce Spielbuehler, Architect Additions, Remodels & Major Renovations Garages, ADU/Granny Units, Pool Houses PIANO LESSONS Learn piano in your home All styles popular, classical, jazz, showtunes 20 years’ experience, BA in music/child development (949) 637-8208 BOOKS Bookman Bookstore Used, Unusual and Out-Of-Print Books Serving Orange County since 1990 320 E Katella Ave, Orange, CA 92867 714-538-0166 DESIGNER - LANDSCAPE Scancelli Landscapes Residential Landscape Design Pools, Outdoor Kitchens, Fire Features, Shade Structures, Plants Instagram: @scancellilandscapes VETERINARIAN Orange Canyon Pet Clinic Dr. Kirsten Murphy Dr. Katie Ellis 7614 E Chapman Ave Orange CA, 92869 714-633-4496 ATTORNEY AT LAW Dowdall Law Offices, A.P.C. Jan D. Breslauer-Dowdall, M.A., M.F.A., J.D. 284 N. Glassell St., 1st Fl. Orange, CA 92866-1409 Office 714.532.2222 All schools, construction, restaurants T-Shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters, Rally Towels 714-798-5217 CHIROPRACTIC Demoss Chiropractic Your health is our priority. From preventive care, checkups, to exams. $39 exam and X-rays for new patients 714-532-0999 VETERINARIAN Lorrie Boldrick, D.V.M. The Barefoot Veterinarian Available for many of your pet's needs 714-365-5464 MARKETING/DESIGN Jef Maddock Design Flyers, logos/rebrands, advertising, websites, digital marketing and more since 2013 714-608-2040 22343 La Palma Ave # 124, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 714-624-3692 Arroyo Irrigation seeks soil and water conservationist at its office in Ladera Ranch CA to manage water from irrigation systems for HOA communities. Email resume to Tustin Community Foundation spreads donor dollars By Guy Ball You may have seen their name on many of the event posters in town. If you wander over to the website, you see icons of almost 15 organizations or events that the Tustin Community Foundation (TCF) works with to help raise funds, mobilize resources and provide leadership to solve community challenges. By partnering with the City of Tustin, local schools and nonprofits serving Tustin, it focuses on where charitable support can make the greatest impact. The Tustin Community Foundation was founded in 1994 and reorganized in 2008 with an executive director responsible for implementation of policies set by the executive board, as well as goals and objectives, and financial, programs and administrative management. The secret sauce to TCF is that it works with others to host events for residents, while raising funds for other nonprofit organizations. “Over the past decade,” according to Executive Director Erin Nielsen, “TCF has made a significant impact in our community by distributing over $148,000 through the Paper Football Challenge, providing nearly 15,000 pajamas through Project Pajamas, and donating 8,718 books to TUSD libraries. And we have also awarded over $1.5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations and schools.” One of the foundation’s most heartfelt projects, Project Pajamas, raises donations of close to 2,500 new pajamas per year for newborns to XL teens. And just recently, the Old Town Tustin Sip & Stroll was held. It’s an afternoon of sipping, snacking, shopping, and strolling through Old Town, with proceeds donated to local charities, as well as scholarship programs for Tustin area students. Not to mention, it helps support local businesses while locals are enjoying meandering through Old Town. Through the Friends Feeding Seniors Program, TCF served more than 10,000 meals to homebound seniors. It has honored 439 outstanding community volunteers as Superheroes of Tustin and, since 2013, has recognized over 100 homes and businesses for their festive holiday displays each December. The Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit supported 100% by fundraising events, as well as donations by individuals and corporations. TCF is not funded by the City of Tustin and does not receive CDBG funds or taxpayer dollars. For more information to volunteer or donate, visit the website at tustincommunityfoundation. org, call (714) 393-8506, or email Get ready for kindergarten In celebration of Kindergarten Readiness Month, the Villa Park Library presents Kindergarten Camp on Saturday, March 15 from 10-11 a.m. Join in for this special hour-long event featuring a variety of activities that will help soon-to-be kindergartners build the skills they need to succeed. The Villa Park Library is located at 17865 Santiago Blvd, in the Villa Park Towne Center; phone (714) 998-0861 for info. Ben Thom, a senior at El Modena, races the course. Robert Goodman of Orange Lutheran is ready to roll. Mountain bike team invites riders to sign up The El Modena High School Mountain Bike Team is accepting student athletes, in 6th -12th grade from local elementary and middle schools and El Modena and Orange Lutheran High Schools. The team is part of the SoCal Cycling League and participates in races on weekends from February to May. Middle schoolers compete on Saturdays, and high schoolers on Sundays. Races are held at trail venues throughout Southern California; the team trains locally several times a week. Students do not “try out” for the team, but they must be able to ride a bike. If a rider does not have a bike, the team will provide one. Assistant coaches, such as a parent or adult over age 18, are also being sought. High school riders who do not attend El Modena or Orange Lutheran may compete as independents. Those interested in joining the mountain bike team as a rider or assistant coach may send their name, school, grade and contact information to elmomtb@gmail. com. Covenant presents eclectic musical performance Covenant Women’s Fellowship will feature “Grand-Gal” Linda Vernier in a lively musical performance at its luncheon on Thursday, March 20. Vernier learned all the big band tunes and standards from “Doc” Kaufmann, who taught Leo Fender, of the Fender Guitar Company, how to make guitars. She joined Kaufmann to perform as Grandpa and his Grand-gal, a musical duo that continued until his passing. She now performs as GrandGal and the Boys, playing music ranging from oldies, to jazz, rock, country, Spanish and French tunes. Manuel Ng, one of the boys, will join her. The audience is invited to sing along, or even dance, if so inspired. Lyrics and chords will be provided. Just listening is fine, too. The lunch is open to men and women in the community, and will be held in St. Andrew’s Hall on the church campus, 1855 N. Orange-Olive Road. Doors open at 11 a.m.; the program begins at 11:30 a.m. A catered lunch is $15 per person payable in advance. Reservations are required by Monday, March 17, by calling Linda D. at (951) 237-9888. Reservations are also required to attend the program only at 12:30 p.m.; the cost is $5, payable at the door. The Woman’s Club of Orange donated 500 books to the “Reach out and Read” program at CHOC. The books were collected by the club’s membership. President Carol Allen and board members Rebecca Martinez and Dorinda von Tersch presented the books to program Director Madeline Hall (second from left). LIKE THE FOOTHILLS SENTRY? Support our advertisers! Subscribe for speedy delivery to your mailbox! see for details Linda Vernier