Foothills Sentry May 2023

Page 13 Foothills Sentry May 2023 SERVICE DIRECTORY DOORS Hung/Installed Call Robert (714) 878-8262 CLASSIFIEDS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS ATTORNEYS VETERINARIANS INVESTMENTS TAXES SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS Te� them �ou saw them in the F�othi�s Sen�y! UPHOLSTERY RAULS . CUSTOMUPHOLSTERY . DESIGN @ GMAIL . COM SENIOR RESIDENTIAL CARE Residential Care Home for the Older Adult Sonia Garcia-Francia CEO 714-269-7307 Kelly S. Francia Harlan Administrator 714-812-0137 M.A. Psychology, M.A. Gerontology Master of HR Management North Tustin Locations REMODELING Tustin Hills REMODELING SCOTT MAYS Owner/Operator (714) 501-9415 TUSTINHILLSREMODELING.COM Lic #822974-B TustinHi lls_SD_BW_AD.indd 1 9/22/22 3:49 PM REAL ESTATE The quarterly general meeting of the Vil- la Park Women’s League took place at the Trinity Episcopal Church Community Room in Orange, April 27. The program by Tom Horvath, “The Young Man of Broadway,” rocked the house with classic renditions of popular show- tunes. Trivia and treats showcasing familiar Broadway themes were shared amongst the group. VPWL ends fiscal year on a high note and plans ahead This was the last meeting for the fiscal year and was well at- tended, with several new mem- bers joining the league. Members voted to revise the by-laws and elected a slate of officers. Plans are already underway for additional programs that will begin in September. For informa- tion, see Susan Stiver, chair of the Con- servative Patriots of Orange County’s Election Integrity Com- mittee, will speak on that topic at the Thursday, May 18 meeting. There will also be an update on the Orange County Board of Supervisors’ action or inaction regarding efforts to make changes in the election process. The meeting will be held at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge 794, 1751 S. Elk Lane. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for a buffet dinner. Tickets are $30 per person with advance purchase at conservativepatriot- or through Peggy Ba- ranyay, (714) 828-1289 or swt- . Tickets at the door are $30 members, and $35 for non-members. CPOC to feature election integrity talk The OPAWL Hot Trotters cheer sunnier days and hit the trail with smiles. This member equestrian group rides al- most every Sunday afternoon. Pictured on their horses are, from left, Sarah Holtz, Kate Bonnaud and Coral Knapp. The Orange Park Acres Women’s League begins its mem- bership drive in May. Members are encouraged to tell their friends and neighbors about the activity sections and phil- anthropic good works the league accomplishes. Find out more at On stage at the Balboa Bay Resort, Mark Murphy (left) and spouse Vikki Murphy (second from right) accepted the 2023 Community Circle Award, April 16, from Margaret Greinke (sec- ond from left) and Ambassador Gaddi Vasquez (right) who pre- sented the honors on behalf of Assistance League of Orange. The ornamental tree is represen- tative of the larger tree that will be planted in Grijalva Park in the Murphy's honor. The annual Orange Elks-sponsored OUSD GRIP soccer camp lunch was held at Yorba Middle School, following the soccer camp held during school spring break. The Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership (GRIP) is a program for kids between 8 and 12 years old, who are at risk of gang involvement and drug use. The students are pre-selected to partici- pate in the program, and have to earn their way to Orchestrating the GRIP lunch are, from left, Elks Mike Cash, John Smith, Marilyn Dinger, Terri Schatz, Kelley Martinez, Bill Neessen, Rosie Cash, JC Cortez and Larry Saunders. Elks host Orange GRIP Soccer Camp lunch PIANO INSTRUCTION Your home. Learn music you love 20yrs exp. BA music/child development. (949) 637-8208 FOR RENT Furnished 3,600 sq ft Villa Park home, 4 Bedrooms, Triple Garage, Pool. Please supply 3 references. $10K a month. Please call (657) 604-9617 OLDER ENGINEERING Physics, Math & Technical BOOKS PURCHASED Large Collections (30+ books) Preferred Call Deborah (714) 528-8297 the camp by their actions and achievements. Once in the program, the kids must make and set goals, and must show improvement to stay in the program. This soccer camp helps them do that. As a treat for the stu- dent-athletes, the Orange Elks Drug Awareness Pro- gram volunteers prepared, cooked, and served two kinds of street tacos, que- sadillas, rice and beans and drinks. The Elks also enjoy meeting the kids. The Community Foundation of Orange will host its Annual CFO Gala on Thursday, June 1 at the Grand Gimeno Event Center in Old Towne Orange. Honoring the Home Depot (Orange stores) for its generosity and commitment to our community, the evening will truly show what it means to be Orange @Heart! The evening includes cocktail happy hour, entertainment, silent and live auctions, gour- met dinner provided by Jay’s Catering, and the Community Champion Honoree presen- tation. Table sponsorships and tickets are avail- able on the CFO website (under the events tab) at , or call (714) 288-9909. Orange @Heart Gala slated C onnect O range CA is a new program of the Community Foun- dation of Orange. Recognizing that the City of Orange is home to many like-minded nonprofit organizations, the CFO launched COCA as a way to gather leader- ship from local organization to find ways to connect, collaborate, Foundation Introduces #COCA and strengthen our community. Currently, over 28 nonprofits are participating, with more to come. Visit communityfoundationo- for a list of COCA partners; to join this collaborative effort, email info@community- or call (714) 288-9909. Children in grades 1-4 are en- couraged to join the “Reading Buddies” program at the Villa Park Library on Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m. to practice their reading skills with a teen volunteer. OC Public Libraries offer free online homework help daily, be- VP Library offers student resources tween 1 to 10 p.m. “Brainfuse HelpNow” may be accessed through the website at , and is available for all ages. The Villa Park Library is lo- cated at 17865 Santiago Blvd, in the Towne Center; phone (714) 998-0861. Zoom Theory Photography