Foothills Sentry June 2021

NEWS INSIDE East Orange • Old Towne Orange • Orange Park Acres • Villa Park • Silverado/Modjeska Canyons • North Tustin A Monthly Community Newspaper June 2021 *********ECRWSSEDDM**** Residential Customer Letters To The Editor Page 4 Canyon Beat Page 11 Service Directory Pages 11-13 Prof. Directory Page 13 Classifieds Page 13 Obituaries Page 14 Sports Page 15 The Best News In Town Since 1969 COURSE CORRECTION Former Orange elected official takes council to task for lapses in community-centric leadership. See Guest Commentary, page 4 FOLLOW US at Foothills Sentry PAST TIMES AT TUSTIN HIGH As its centennial anniversary approaches, THS plans festivity, fundraising and family fun. See Tustin, page 5 WORTH THE WEIGHT Building mass and scale restrictions waived for Ronald McDonald House "good cause" expansion. See Orange, page 2 YOU GOTTA HAVE ART Canyon artists host drive-by for socially distanced displays and discoveries. See Visitors, page 8 DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS AND SERVICE College-bound seniors and military recruits get a financial boost from the Assistance League See AL, pages 6, 14 See "VP" continued on page 3 From left, Mike Noble, Mark Kuli and Eric Reynolds led their Wanda Road neighbors in protesting a possible rezoning of their neighbor- hood. Said Kuli, “We really appreciate the Wanda area residents for voicing their concerns, and the city council for listening. This is the way city government should work. I’m proud of Villa Park.” VP council removes Wanda Street rezoning from housing plan By Andie Mills Villa Park residents turned out, May 11, to voice their opinions at a city council public hearing re- garding the state-mandated hous- ing element update requiring 296 housing units to be penciled in for the city. The majority, rallied by a neighborhood “Stop Wanda Road Rezoning” campaign, protested the rezoning of Wanda Road be- tween Lincoln and Collins to al- low for 14 to 40 or more housing units. Residents of the neighbor- ing streets, led by Mark Kuli, Eric Reynolds and Mike Noble, put up signs and ramped up a social media campaign garnering over 1,300 views, asking for letters and phone calls to the councilmem- bers. City Manager Steve Franks reported that over 130 comments were received, the majority relat- ing to the Wanda option. As Mayor Crystal Miles stated, the goal of the meeting was to find a solution that is “reasonable and the least-impactful to residents,” considering infrastructure, traf- fic, schools, future housing plans -- not an easy undertaking in a city that is 99% built out. The city is not required to develop the 296 units, only to plan for a zoning change and amendment to the General Plan. But any rezon- ing carries the possibility that, at some future date, building con- struction may happen. No wiggle room Should the city not follow the state mandate to alter zoning, the ramifications would be severe, in- cluding penalties, loss of control of housing and permit processes within the city. Residents, most of whom had moved to the “Hidden Jewel” because of its half-acre lots and rural ambiance, were concerned that their quiet locale would be destroyed by imposing multi-unit structures, parking problems and traffic. The Wanda rezoning was one of 12 recommendations pre- sented, none of which were overwhelmingly supported. The other 11 proposed options were: single family units on 11 vacant parcels; Town Center multi- family units; accessory dwelling units (ADUs); rezone remainder of Town Center; Tropical Plaza Nursery; reduce minimum lot size for vacant/underutilized lots to 8,000 sq. ft.; reduce minimum lot size for other developed lots; OUSD surplus property; rezone Smith basin/Villa Park Road par- cels to multi-family; allow more than two ADUs per lot in selected areas, or large lots. Take some off the top Miles motioned that, as several of the options would not meet city land-use goals, they should be removed from consideration. Namely, the rezoning of Wanda, with an underground pipeline, would be intrusive, and cause in- creased traffic and safety issues; units on 11 vacant parcels; re- ducing the minimum lot size for vacant or developed lots; and the OUSD surplus property option, as the district has no interest in sell- ing its properties. Councilman Robert Collacott, District 3 voters look into recall Voters in Orange District 3 are exploring the process for a re- call campaign in response to the city council’s appointment of an unvetted candidate to represent them. Following the departure of Councilman Mike Alvarez, who stepped down after the court ruled that he was ineligible to run for the District 3 seat, the city coun- cil had the option of holding a special election or appointing someone. District 3 voters over- whelmingly preferred the special election, which would give them the opportunity to choose their council representative. Failing that, many voters urged the appointment of runner-up John Russo, who placed second to Alvarez when the election was held last November. Instead, the council appointed Kathy Tavoularis, April 13, one of seven people who had applied for the position. Although active in the Republican Central Com- mittee, she is largely unknown to District 3 voters. They had no resume to review, no job history to assess, no idea where she stood on local issues or who, other than the mayor and three council members who do not live in Dis- trict 3, endorsed her. While emphasizing that they have nothing against Tavoularis, District 3 voters, who felt dis- missed and discounted by the council’s choice, hoped to launch a recall campaign soon after she was sworn in. They were, however, advised by Orange City Clerk Pamela Coleman that a recall could not be announced until 90 days after the appointee takes office. Then, notice must be given, and 10 days after that, the Registrar of Voters must be provided with copies of the recall petition. The registrar has 10 days to review the petition and notify the proponents of any required changes. According to the OC election code, the actual recall campaign could take 40 to 160 days to commence once no- tice has been filed. No decisions have been made. Mountain lion relocated from Williams Canyon By Mike Boeck Ahomeowner in Williams Can- yon discovered a mountain lion in his livestock pen, along with two dead sheep and two dead goats, on the morning of May 4. The lion had apparently squeezed through a small open- ing in the chain link roof and could not get back out. An adult goat and a ewe were still alive and largely uninjured, save for a laceration on the ewe’s lip. The homeowner called 911 and soon the OC Sheriffs showed up, along with a police helicopter and a California Fish and Wildlife of- ficer. The sheriffs were heavily armed and prepared to shoot the lion if it escaped and presented a threat to human life. The group waited for the ar- rival of Fish and Wildlife Envi- ronmental Scientist Amelia Viera, who subsequently darted the lion with a tranquilizer gun so it could be safely captured and relocated. The sedated lion was trussed to prevent it from harming itself or others. It was weighed, its temperature taken multiple times to monitor its condition, and its teeth were photographed. Since normal body temperature for li- ons is between 100-103 degrees, and this one’s was 104 degrees, it was cooled off with water bottles, then with a garden hose. The tran- quilizer used to sedate wildlife often elevates body temperature. Eye drops were administered as the lion’s eyes were open and needed lubrication. Once the lion was subdued, the sheriffs put away their firearms and helped in the care and docu- mentation of this lion. Two peo- ple were unable to lift it to weigh it, but the part of it they could lift weighed 125 pounds. Its total weight was estimated at 150-plus pounds. See "Mountain lion" continued on page 6 A male mountain lion, discovered in an animal enclosure in Williams Canyon, was sedated by Fish and Wildlife so he could be safely moved to a remote location. Photo by Mike Boeck