Foothills Sentry - June 2022

Page 11 Foothills Sentry June 2022 SERVICE DIRECTORY ELECTRICAL We accept Credit Cards 714-814-4440 cell FREE ESTIMATES • LOW-LOW $$$ •Recessed LigIting • Fluoresce n t • Troubles I oot ing • 240vOutlets • Breakers/Rewiri ng • Switc I es/Fa ns /Spas • 1anel Upgrades Residential • Commercial Industrial email: State License C10, 390275 INSURANCE INSURANCE MOVERS HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVER LOCAL MOVING IS OUR SPECIALTY SAME DAY SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES (800) 490-1150 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Cal State Lic Puc #189065 No Hidden Charges • 7 %AYS AWEEK • FREEWAR%RO#E #O9 USE • FURNITURE #LANKETWRA11E% • 1ACKING #O9ES AVAILA#LE • STORAGE AVAILA#LE • 1IANO S1ECIALISTS • LOCAL NEIGH#ORING STATES • TI.E STARTS AT YOUR %OOR • FULLY LICENSE% INSURE% HOUR MINIMUM ASK FOR DETAILS HOME MORTGAGES MULBERRY STREET MORTGAGE 2140 W. Chapman Ave., #260, Orange 92868 Office (714) 289-0047 Text/Cell (714) 501-0639 Fax (714) 289-9715 PURCHASE, REFINANCE & REVERSE MORTGAGES Pam Dunn NMLS# 281526 CA LIC# 603J651 JUNK REMOVAL PLASTERING LIC # 850281 PLUMBING 60 day drain guarantee • Clean, Neat and Professional • Leak DetectionWater & Gas • Drain Camera Inspection & Location • Pipe Re Lining/ Trenchless Sewer Repair • Hydro Jetting • Copper and Pex Repiping TanklessWater Heater Specialist • Water Heaters • Slab Leaks • Bonded • Insured • References Family owned and operated •18 years plumbing in OC Lifetime north Tustin resident FREE ESTIMATES License Ca 938498 714-541-4400 24 HOUR SERVICE • 2 YEAR GUARANTEE ONWORK It’s what we do REAL ESTATE AIR CONDITIONING / HEATING $89.00 AIR CONDITIONING / HEATING OC EXCEL AIR CONDITIONING and HEATING QUALITY SERVICE License # 1001574 714 926-4902 FREE SERVICE CALL INSTALLATION • REPAIRS REPLACEMENT SERVICE WILL BEAT ANY ESTIMATE WWW. OC-EXCEL.COM Find us on Yelp! ATTORNEYS CPOC meeting to feature post-election analysis The Conservative Patriots of Orange County will offer an analysis of the primary election results at its June 16, 5:30 p.m. meeting. Political analyst Marc Ang will discuss what’s next for California, based on the primary outcome, and what can be done in the run up to the Nov. 8 general election. Election Integrity Committee Chairman James Peters will give a talk on that subject. The keynote presentation by Orange County Informed and United will focus on the vaccine passport contract in OC. No photography or taping will be permitted. The meeting will be held at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge, 1751 S. Lyon St. Reservations for a dinner buffet may be made at or by calling Peggy Baranyay (714) 828-1289. Cost is $30 per person; nonmembers are welcome. Grace and Victoria Peters carried the CPOC banner in the Orange May Parade, May 7. They were followed by a Lexus driven by James Wallace, District 68 Assembly candidate, accompanied by CPOC Vice President Martha Ming and Membership chair Michele Markel. Elks honor young achievers by Bill Neessen The Orange Elks Lodge’sYouth Appreciation Night honored the award-winning youth from numerous Elks programs held throughout the year. Following a proclamation by Councilwoman Kathy Tavoularis, the colors presented by Scout Troop 1475 and the Orange High choir rendition of the national anthem, Master of Ceremonies Paul Pelasky introduced Orange Police Chief (and Elk) Dan Adams as the guest speaker. He encouraged the students to make good choices and make a difference. Miss City of Orange Victoria Johnson and Elroy T. Elk, the face of the Orange Lodge and the Drug Awareness mascot, assisted in the presentation of awards. Hoop Shoot chair Tim Reissmueller presented awards to winners Malana Pelasky and Jaden Dixon. Mike Cash, Drug Awareness chair, presented the contest winners with this year’s theme of “The Best Me is Drug Free.” Logan Vaughn, essay; Macie Brooks, poster; Cerro Villa Middle School students, junior high video; El Modena High, high school video. Each winner of the essay contest on “What does it mean to love your country?” was given a $50 scholarship by Americanism chairman Chris Michaelis. The fifth grade winners wereAnderson Jeng, Ozzi Kendler and Brooklyn Pearce; sixth grade winners were Kaylee Cuevas, Luke Hough and Ryan Petz. Scholarship chair Lynda Einstein presented $500 scholarships to six college- bound seniors: Kent Tran (an Eagle Scout Troop 1475), Kylie Seppala, Rogelio Salas, Sharon Kim, Evelinn Gonzalez and Connor Dapkus. The Third Grade Dictionary Program, which provides each student a personal dictionary, was altered during the pandemic. Dictionaries are now delivered to schools, not directly to the students. The Elks delivered 2,184 dictionaries to 27 schools, plus motel kids and OCAcademy. In 15 years, the Orange Elks have delivered over 32,000 dictionaries to every third grader in Orange. Brielle Boyce, 10, a finalist in two jiu-jitsu tournaments in Southern California, won medals in both. She is the daughter of Anaheim Hills residents Aaron and Holli Boyce and the granddaughter of Jerry Freudenberg, a longtime resident of OPA. Boyce, a student at Kings MMA Jiu-Jitsu in Anaheim, has moved up to a gray-white belt.