Foothills Sentry June 2023

Foothills Sentry Page 10 June 2023 Conservation. Another great American pastime . Learn more at at Happy Father’s Day! 714-744-2219 MAYOR DAN SLATER Scholarships announced by Assistance League of Orange Assistance League of Orange scholarship recipients are, front row, left to right: Jhomarie Moreno, Valerie Sanchez Rodriguez, Gwen Takagi, Theresa Perez, Alexandra Rosas, Sheyli Bernal; back row, left to right: Rylee Coney, Benjamin Nguyen, Amelia Fallahi-Ardekani, Sarah Guor, Ashley Fuerte-Mejia, Hailey Navarro, Johnathan Costello, Evan Bui, Joshua Martinez and Josiah Soto. Not pictured: Minanil Atiq, Jay- len Athena Aquino, Sahanaa Balachandran, Morgan McGinnis, Phi Nguyen, Maria Segovia, Pedro Vellasco Jr., Kylie Chiem, Haeley Ar- cos Hernandez, Karina Madrigal. Assistance League of Orange awarded 27 scholarships to out- standing local high school se- niors. The 2023 recipients receive funds to be used for tuition and books when pursuing higher edu- cation in the fall. A record num- ber of applicants made the selec- tion process more difficult this year, and as Chair Tanis Nelson commented, “Most were stellar in all areas.” The selected scholars were lo- cal students, and attended Or- ange, El Modena, Canyon, and Richland High Schools. Assis- tance League welcomed the stu- dents and guests at a luncheon in their honor, May 5, where they spoke about their future plans, from careers in healthcare, sci- entific fields, criminal justice and environmental studies, to teach- ing, finance and the arts. Their remarks reflected appreciation for their education, family, commu- nity, and a determination to make a difference in the world. Assis- tance League of Orange Schol- arships have helped hundreds of local students realize their dreams since the program’s start in 1956. TAWC names Young Woman of the Month The Tustin Area Woman’s Club named Miliana Garcia of Tustin High School, the Young Woman of the Month for May. Garcia has been on the cross country and track and field team, lettering her freshman year and every year since. She was Co- captain as a junior, and Captain her senior year. She has been a scholar-athlete, earning straight As her entire high school career. She has been on the Superinten- dent’s Honor Roll, and partici- pated in the AVID program all four years. Garcia is a member of the California Scholarship Fed- eration and National Honor So- ciety. In the fall, she will attend Cal State Long Beach as a pre- nursing student. After attaining her bachelor’s degree in nursing, she plans to work in an intensive care unit for two years, in prepa- ration for entry into an anesthetist program. Her goal is to become a nurse anesthetist. TAWC Board of Director member Sheryl Franke congratulations Miliana Garcia. Steve Miklos, longtime fast pitch softball coach (35 years) and head varsity coach at Orange Lutheran High for 26 years, was in- ducted into the OC Softball Hall of Fame, May 24. Kids book sale coming A courtyard sale featuring books for children will be held at the Orange Main Library, Satur- day, June 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Books will be individually priced. The library is located at 407 E. Chapman Ave. Please en- ter through the Children's Court- yard Gate. The OPA Women’s League ran a cakewalk booth at the OPA Fam- ily Picnic & Fair in April. Over 40 member-donated cakes and cookie plates went home with smiling cakewalk winners. Quinn Hen- derson, shows off her prize, a uni- corn sprinkles cake. The League is starting its new membership year in June. See for in- formation. St. John’s students meet alum In a rite of passage, eighth grade students from St. John’s Lutheran School traveled to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg, and New York City. The field trip was planned to broaden their knowledge and foster a deeper appreciation for American history and culture. In addition to historical landmarks and iconic sites, the students were thrilled to get a tour of Yankee Stadium and meet a former St. John’s student, Yankee pitcher Gerrit Cole. Principal Jake Hollatz with Cole at Yankee Stadium. OPA hosts Shred Day The Orange Park Association will sponsor a paper shredding opportunity, Saturday, June 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at Salem Lu- theran Church and School park- ing lot, 6500 E. Santiago Canyon Boulevard. OPA members may OC Dems will picnic in the park The Central Orange County Democratic Club will host a picnic on Sat., June 10 at Tustin Sports Park from 12 to 4 p.m.; $10 for adults and $5 for kids buys hot dogs, hamburgers and all the trimmings. Everyone is in- vited. Bring your favorite chairs, picnic blankets and sun hats. Please RSVP via Mobilize or at Lexi Hernandez of the Cli- mate Action Campaign will be the speaker at the regular meet- shred up to five boxes (12x15x10) of documents for free. Nonmem- bers may join the association for free shredding, or donate a $5 per box fee, maximum five boxes per household. See orangeparkacres. org for details. ing, Wed., June 28. Learn about climate action in Orange County, which feels particularly relevant as fire season looms. Snacks and mixer at 6:30 p.m.; program starts at 7 p.m. sharp. Central OC Dems includes Tu- stin, Tustin Hills, Orange, Villa Park and surrounding commu- nities. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 1221 Wass St., Tustin. OC Dems is not affiliated with St. Paul’s. Praise Ensemble to present patriotic performance The Praise Ensemble will per- form at the Covenant Presbyte- rian Church Women’s Fellowship Luncheon and Program on Thurs- day, June 15. The theme “One Nation Under God” will tell the story of our na- tion's first hundred years, includ- ing choral and instrumental ar- rangements, and congregational worship-songs and hymns. There will be a narrative and slide-pre- sentation telling how faith and determination overcame the chal- lenges of a turbulent century. The Praise Ensemble is com- posed of professional vocalists, a concert-hall level pianist, and advanced instrumentalists (oboe, violin, keyboard, and drums). The luncheon is open to the community, and will be held in St. Andrew’s Hall on the church campus, 1855 N. Orange- Olive Road. Men are welcome to attend. The doors open at 11 a.m., the luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $15 per person; reservations and payment are required by June 11. Calling Linda at (951) 237-9888. Reservations are also required to attend the program only at 12:30 p.m.; the cost is $5 at the door. OHS Class of ’73 to host golf tournament The Orange High School Class of ’73 is sponsoring a golf tournament to ben- efit its 50-year reunion. The event will be Wednesday, July 12 at Green River Golf Club. The winning team will be awarded four $100 gift cards. $70 donation includes green fees, cart and swag. Contact Steven Besneatte at .