Foothills Sentry June 2023
Foothills Sentry Page 8 June 2023 YOUR FU TURE AW AITS Summer 2023 (June 12- August 6) Fall 2023 (August 21 – December 11) SCC is ranked in the top 1% of community colleges nationwide and it’s right here in YOUR neighborhood! Or construct a separate granny cottage per city requirements, both may qualify for a partial grant allowance. 100% financing if you qualify. Start earning passive income from the home you already own!!! OR construct a separate granny cottage per city requirements, both may qualify for a partial grant allowance. 100% financing if you qualify. Start earning passive income from the home you already own!!! 714-371-7972 CALL GREAT EARTH ENVIRONMENTS Earn extra income from your garage or backyard! TURN THAT OLD GARAGE INTO CASH A dditional D welling U nit St. Lic# 353892 Firewise = Pennywise Some canyon homeown- ers were recently surprised and disappointed (read: shocked, alarmed) to review their Califor- nia Fair Plan invoices. Premiums for property, not earthquake coverage, were in some cases double last year’s. Calls to agents and research pro- duced a response (read: lower rates) to the Plan’s increase, which resulted from our Protec- tion Class Code (read: fire risk rating) being changed from 3 to 10. Helpfully, neighbors shared three documents which, if pro- vided to the agency as an ap- peal, should reduce your rates: a March letter from Verisk/In- surance Services Office, a 2022 National Firewise USA Program Certificate of Recognition, and a 2012 Firewise Community As- sessment for Silverado, Williams, Modjeska, and Trabuco Canyons. This final document includes the compelling story of mitigation and prevention programs plus nifty photographs, and makes for good reading. Anticipate more reasons, below, for visiting the Library of the Canyon, but it’s where photocopies of these docu- ments, also available online, can be found. CERT, for certain Joanne Hubble, who coordi- nates Emergency Planning, Co- ordination & Communication for our East OC Canyon Commu- nities, reports that this month’s Community Emergency Re- sponse Team training program is full. There’s a waitlist (Eventbrite. com, CERT training in Canyons), and you’re encouraged to join it. Anticipate additional classes with the next opportunity to be CERT- ified in October 2023. Look for a reminder here in August. Speaking of fires and emer- gency responses, two arson inci- dents occurred last month above the Maple Springs gate. Damp conditions prevented spread of the fires, but with crazily abun- dant spring vegetation drying out over the summer, vigilance and reporting of suspicious activity is encouraged. Blood and guts In Silverado-Modjeska Rec- reation and Park District news, you can celebrate life by donat- ing blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Tues, June 6. Make your appointment at blood. And commemorate the summer solstice by improving your balance and core strength at the weekly Wed. June 21 Pilates class. Look, it’s a bird! Tentatively scheduled for the June 6 regular Inter-Canyon League meeting (7-9 p.m.) is a presentation by zoologist Dr. Pe- ter Bloom on raptors --- hawks, owls and occasional golden ea- gles --- in our canyons. Bloom knows plenty about hy- percarnivorous bird species that actively hunt and feed on other vertebrates. That’s because he has prepared numerous biological assessments and worked on sev- eral avian research projects in the western United States, Alaska, Peru, Ecuador and India, spend- Bibliophiles love ornithologists ing over 950 hours conducting helicopter and fixed-wing nest survey work and aerial radio- tracking of eagles, California condors, hawks and herons. I’m just cribbing from his impressive CV, which suggests that the audi- ence will be rapt. Open space Spaces are indeed open at the Environmental Nature Center’s Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary, where you see plenty of raptors. Its sum- mer Wilderness Adventure Camp is eight weeks, four hours daily, and open to kids ages 6-9. Campers take walking field trips in the adjacent Cleveland National Forest and Modjeska Wilderness Preserve. Classes are purposefully kept small. 9-1 dai- ly. Fee: $315. Electric The Saturday, June 17 Sil- verado Summer Concert Series features jam band Electric Blood- hounds and Grateful Dead tribute band August West, self-chris- tened, it seems, after the anti-hero of the iconic song “Wharf Rat,” for whom the singer has “got some time to hear his story.” See what you can learn from attend- ing the free SMRPD-sponsored open-air live music series at the Community Center Fairgrounds? The Dead live on in the canyons, where an enduring commitment to celebrating their music and spirit has brought cover outfits for years, to the delight of danc- ing and leaping and twirling audi- ences. Hey now! Eclectic You can’t have too many friends. Especially if you are the smallest branch library in the OCPL system, if also one of its best. Friends of the Library invites you to join its ICL-sponsored support committee, and to start setting aside a pile of quality do- nations for its swap meet fund- raiser and boutique at the annual Silverado Country Fair. Friends support kid programs and more, including the Summer Reading Program, June 12-July 31. And what are grown-up canyon patrons reading? Library of the Canyons Branch Manager Marisa Saam: “Canyon readers have eclectic reading habits. Historical fiction, fantasy, literary fiction, thrillers—they read it all. Some- times one person will check out multiple genres that you might not have guessed would go to- gether, like a romance alongside an espionage thriller.” Recent favorites speak to eclec- ticism, indeed: “The Tracker” by Charles Frazier. “The Wise Hours: A Journey into the Wild and Secret World of Owls” by Miriam Darlington. David Balda- ccis’ “Long Shadows.” And “The Perfumist of Paris” by Alka Joshi. Library staff can help you locate Dr. Bloom’s recent scientific pa- per “Natal Dispersal Distance and Population Origins of Migrant Red-Tailed Hawks and Cooper's Hawks” in the “Journal of Raptor Research.” Patrons can pick up a free copy of the Foothills Sentry there too. Copies are also available outside the post office.
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