Foothills Sentry - August 2022

Foothills Sentry Page 8 August 2022 Come Visit Our Showroom 3024 East Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92869 QUALITY BILLIARD PRODUCTS. EXPERT POOL TABLE SERVICE. Tuesday - Friday: 11 AM - 6 PM Saturday: 10 AM - 3 PM (714) 620-4001 Call/Text DK BILLIARDS SALES & SERVICE Dr. del Junco is welcoming new patients! Michael del Junco, MD Internal Medicine 1310 W Stewart Dr, Ste 502 Orange, CA 92868 O ce: 714-919-8141 Call to schedule an o ce visit! Are you turning 65? Looking for a new primary doctor? Turning 65 means you can now sign up for Medicare! Have questions about Medicare? • As a licensed agent, I represent many major insurance companies. • My service is at no cost to you. I am knowledgable about Medicare and the many plan options available in your area. • I can help you find a plan that best fits your needs, so you can get the most value with your healthcare coverage. Confused about Medicare? Call Nikki today! Nikki Johnson (714) 853-3700 License #0M82324 By calling the number, you will be directed to a licensed insurance agent. Other providers are available in our network. 56619_062022_MK High-school sweethearts David and Cheryl Markovitz of Orange celebrated their 50th anniversary by vacationing in Maui. The cou- ple met at Savannah High School in Anaheim, spent 20 years in Santa Ana and Tustin, and the last 30 in Orange. They raised three children, and now spend their time tending to their seven grandchildren and participating in Seniors Over Sixty, a zumba dance team, known for its flash mobs around town. Orange couple celebrates 50 th Community members celebrated CA40 House candidate Dr. Asif Mahmood’s grand opening of a campaign office in Tustin, July 11. Mahmood is a Tustin resident and pulmonologist. His concern over patients’ struggles with accessing healthcare was his inspiration for running. Seen here, from left, Aliso Viejo Mayor Ross Chun, Dr. Mah- mood, Tustin City Councilmember and mayoral candidate Beckie Go- mez, Encinitas Mayor and District 38 State Senate candidate Cath- erine Blakespear, and Tustin City Council District 3 candidate Dr. Frank Gomez. Stars on Parade in Villa Park The July 4th “Stars on Parade,” sponsored by Villa Park Community Services Foundation, made its way through the residential streets of Villa Park, with patriotically dressed participants and pets on all manner of wheels, including decorated trikes, bikes, wagons, skateboards, strollers and unique autos, all following OC #23 Fire Engine. Keeley Tully, a 2022 Foot - hill High graduate, was awarded a P.E.O. STAR Scholarship, through the recommendation of P.E.O. Chapter S Orange, a local chapter of a U.S.-based interna - tional philanthropic educational organization for women. The highly-competitive schol - arship award is for an exceptional woman completing her senior year of high school. Keeley was recognized for her leadership, ac - ademic achievements, extracur - ricular activities and community service. Keeley has been an active Girl Scout for 12 years, and re - cently earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor in Keeley Tully awarded STAR Scholarship Keeley Tully, STAR Scholarship recipient Scouting. She also volunteered in her community through As - sisteens Auxiliary of Assistance League of Tustin and with the Or - ange County Rescue Mission. Keeley was a competitive swimmer for nine years and a varsity swimmer at Foothill High, where she was also a part of the National Honor Society and the founder/president of the Knights of the Library Club. Keeley will be attending the University of San Diego in the fall, where she intends to study history. The motto of P.E.O. is ”Wom - en helping women reach for the stars,” and Chapter S Orange is proud to help a young woman achieve her dreams. CPOC to meet in September After a summer break, Conser - vative Patriots of Orange County will kick off its fall season with a roundtable workshop on Thurs - day, Sept. 15. Topics will include election integrity, how to volun - teer and vaccine mandates. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner for $30 per person. Purchase tickets on - line at conservativepatriotsofoc. org, or make an advance reserva - tion by calling Peggy Baranyay at (714) 828-1289. The meeting will be at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge, 1751 S. Lyon Street.