Foothills Sentry - August 2022
Page 9 Foothills Sentry August 2022 "Flags Over Orange" reaches national audience A news segment about locals JC Cortez and Gary Doebereiner and their initiative to mount U.S. flags at the homes of vets aired, fittingly, on the Saturday of the July 4 weekend. Anchored by Jose Diaz-Balart, the segment on the NBC Nightly News Weekend Edition was the result of six hours of filming JC Cortez, Doebereiner and numer - ous veterans who received the flags. The “Flags Over Orange/ Villa Park/Tustin” program is sponsored, in part, by the Orange Elks and Home Depot. As a result of the television coverage, he has received com - "Flags Over Orange" founder JC Cortez is shown on the monitor while recording a segment for NBC News. ments and plaudits from veter - ans and their families and friends throughout the nation. He hopes the publicity will inspire oth - ers to begin similar programs, and expand the outreach to other communities and lodges to honor those who have served and to spread the patriotic spirit. After installing a flag at a vet - eran's residence, Cortez enjoys having a conversation to learn about the individual's service experience. He then shares it on his Facebook page. To view the news clip and read more about the program see the Flags Over Or - ange Facebook site. Parking lot shade structures with solar roof panels are being installed at Orange Unified schools (Cerro Villa Middle School, shown here) over the summer. The district estimates that $7.8 million in OUSD electricity costs will be saved over 25 years. Scholarships awarded by FOCAL Friends of the Canyon Hills Li - brary (FOCAL) awarded mone - tary scholarships to five outstand - ing teen volunteers from Canyon High School who, this past school year, served at the Canyon Hills Public Library and Canyon High School Library. Katie Phan will attend UC Da- vis, majoring in computer science and engineering, was integral in creating storytelling videos on the library YouTube channel dur - ing the pandemic closure. Sidney Muntean developed a virtual writing workshop for stu - dents during the pandemic and will attend UCLA to study busi - ness economics. Siraj Bajwa served as Young Adult Council President this aca- demic year and planned several programs for the community. He will attend UC Irvine, planning a double major in literary journal - ism and political science with a minor in creative writing. Megan Nishitani, along with sister Lauren Nishitani, worked hundreds of hours at the school library circulation desk, distribut - ed textbooks during registration, trained a new library assistant and tutored peers in the library. Me - gan and Lauren will attend UC Irvine. The Soroptimists of Santa Ana/Tustin installed new officers for the 2022-23 year. From left are Sharon King, treasurer; Chris Gregg, vice president; Brenda Wilcox, assistant secretary; Dawn Marie Lemonds, who presided over the installation; Eligia Nicolai, president; Gay Joyce, assistant treasurer; and Martha Sosa-Johnson, secretary. Sosa-Johnson was recently named a "Superhero of Tustin," for her volunteerism. The group is also celebrating the international organization’s 100th anniversary. FOCAL scholarship recipients are, left to right, Katie Pham, Sidney Muntean, Siraj Bajwa, Megan and Lauren Nishitani. VP Rotary names Rotarian of the Year The Villa Park Rotary Club named Don Ware as Rotarian of the Year, 2021-2022 at a ceremo - ny June 26, 2022. The award is given annually to the Rotarian who best exempli - fies the club’s motto of “Service Above Self.” Don Ware, who resides in Orange with his wife Rochelle, has been a member of the Villa Park Rotary since 2017. He is a realtor with HomeSmart Evergreen Realty, and has been involved in many of the club’s community projects. At the same ceremony, outgo - ing Villa Park Rotary President Vito Canuso was lovingly and humorously roasted by incoming President Robert Frackelton. Vito Canuso, left, and Rotarian of the Year Don Ware Vito Canuso, left, with incoming President Robert Frackelton
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