Foothills Sentry August 2023

Page 13 Foothills Sentry August 2023 SERVICE DIRECTORY DOORS Hung/Installed Call Robert (714) 878-8262 PIANO INSTRUCTION Your ho me. Learn music you love. 20 yrs exp. BA mus ic/child development. (949) 6 37-8208 FOR RENT Furnished 3,600 sq ft Villa Park home, 4 Bedrooms, Triple Garage, Pool. Please supply 3 references. $10K a month. Also short term rentals. Please call 657 604-9617 FOR RENT 2 bedroom 2 bath, second story unit. Great location near Chapman Univ and near Orange circle. Upgraded kitchen appliances, large master bedroom with bathroom attached to each bedroom. Lots of storage and enclosed single car garage with one additional parking space. Laundry on site. Great place for student. Rent $2750.00 per month. No pets, no smoking, no drugs. Call (714)356-5815. CLASSIFIEDS PLUMBING REAL ESTATE REMODELING SENIOR RESIDENTIAL CARE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Tustin Hills REMODELING SCOTT MAYS Owner/Operator (714) 501-9415 TUSTINHILLSREMODELING.COM Lic #822974-B TustinHills_SD_BW_AD.indd 1 9/22/22 3:49 PM Residential Care Home for the Older Adult Sonia Garcia-Francia CEO 714-269-7307 Kelly S. Francia Harlan Administrator 714-812-0137 M.A. Psychology, M.A. Gerontology Master of HR Management North Tustin Locations PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY ARCHITECTS ATTORNEYS VETERINARIANS INVESTMENTS TAXES SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESS Te� them �ou saw them in the F�othi�s Sen�y! 5 Days a Week 5 Hours per Day $20/Hour ELDER CARE/COMPANIONS clean record, with many skills good recommendations and mobile. For more details, email: By Bill Neessen The Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is the country’s premier volunteer award program. The award is presented through the office of the President of the United States and, locally, through the Elks Drug Awareness Program. The Elks present the lifetime PVSA to an adult who has volun- teered 4,000 hours or more over their lifetime. The Orange Elks were honored to present the Presidential Service Award to two individuals: Mike Short, recently retired Orange High School Choral Music Direc- tor; and Sheldon Glass. Over the years, Short volunteered his talented singers to perform at numerous lodge programs. The most impressive thing about Short is the time and effort he gives to the community, through music. He is now involved with GOCAT, the Greater Orange Community Arts Theater project that will provide a venue for theatrical productions Glass has been key to the Or- ange Elk’s success in getting the Drug Awareness message to stu- dents. He has devoted numerous hours working with GRIP (Gang Reduction Intervention Part- nership) program and the Drug Awareness Assemblies conducted at OUSD schools. From left, Exalted Ruler Janine Storm, Drug Awareness Chair Mike Cash, Mike and Vicki Short From left, Mike Cash, Sheldon Glass and Exalted Ruler Janine Storm Elks present Presidential Volunteer Service Awards Assistance League honors Melodee Fahy Assistance League of Orange announces Melodee Fahy as the recipient of the 2023 Ada Ed- ward’s Laughlin Award. This award is given annually to a member who has contributed sig- nificantly to Assistance League while remaining behind the scenes. Fahy has been an Assis- tance League member for over 20 years, and works tirelessly in just about every aspect of the organi- zation. She fosters ongoing tech- nological advancement and cre- ates solutions wherever they are needed. She implemented Zoom technology during the pandemic. Fahy participates in over 20 com- mittees and helps members with technology needs. It was unani- mous among past recipients of the award that this years’ honor should go to her. Melodee Fahy, center, accepts the Ada Edwards Laughlin Award from Assistance League President Leslie Sorrells, left, and past award recipient Lori McNair. Books and banter at Canyon Hills Library The Friends of the Canyon Hills Library will feature a flash book sale on Aug. 24 and 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Friends also sponsor “Talks and Treats” book club on the third Thursday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. Books are purchased by the Friends and loaned to book club members. "The House On Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros is on tap for the Aug. 17 meeting and "The Maid" by Nita Prose, for Sept. 21. The Friends of the Library has meetings, open to all comers, every other month, on the third Thursday at 9:30. The next meet- ing is Sept. 21. Refreshments will be served.