Foothills Sentry August 2023

Foothills Sentry Page 14 August 2023 YOUR FU TURE AW AITS Fall 2023 (August 21 – December 11) SCC is ranked in the top 1% of community colleges nationwide and it’s right here in YOUR neighborhood! Dominick Marino Gaudioso 1949 –2023 Dominick (Dom) Marino Gaud- ioso, 73, passed away peacefully at the Munson Hospice House, in Traverse City, Michigan on June 6, with his wife Julie and sister Rosemary by his side. Dom was born on Oct. 7, 1949, in Copiague, New York to the late Josephine and Marino Gaudioso. He graduated from Copiague High School and earned his bachelor’s degree from Ithaca College in New York. Dom played professional baseball for the Chicago Cubs organization as catcher for four years. He loved baseball, and was a lifelong New York Yankees fan. Dom had a great friendship with Mickey Mantle, and was often referred to as Mickey’s handler. After Dom left professional baseball, he moved to South- ern California in the late 1970s where he engaged in a long and dedicated career in the health and life insurance industry. He continued to play the game he loved, joining the Men’s Senior Baseball League (MSBL), a national league of 3,200 teams. Dom played for the Orange County Cardinals for 15 years, winning the MSBLWorld Series three times. On Nov. 16, 2002, Dom mar- ried the love of his life, Julianne Myers. They lived in Orange, and together shared three chil- dren. Their love of travel led them to purchase a second home in Mendoza, Argentina where they spent their winters. After his retirement, Dom and Julie moved to the Traverse City area. He continued his love of baseball by coaching the local professional Traverse City Beach Bums baseball team as the hit- ting coach; they won the Frontier League Championship in 2015. Dom was a man of many tal- ents, and loved to be active throughout his life. Dom loved to play golf, and had many golfing buddies who will remember him for his ability to sink every putt. Dom will be remembered as a loving husband, father, grandfa- ther and brother. He was also a fabulous chef, gardener and fish- erman who loved to pilot his pon- toon boat around his Bass Lake home in Interlochen. Dom will be greatly missed by his family and network of friends. Dom is survived by his wife Julianne; their children John Clement Myers IV and his wife Victoria; Jennifer Myers Hutchen and her husband Peter; Damon Todd Gaudioso and his wife Hal- ey; grandchildren John Clement Myers V, David Martin Myers, Anabel Juliet Hutchen, Peter Jo- seph Hutchen Jr., Samuel Myers Hutchen and Aria Marie Gaud- ioso; sister Rosemary Gaudioso; sister-in-law Molly Menegay and her husband Mike, and his many nieces and nephews, all who loved him deeply. Dom was laid to rest at Oak- wood Cemetery in Traverse City. Robert Frackelton named VP Distinguished Citizen Citizen of the month Robert Frackelton is celebrated at the June city council meeting. From left, parents John and Ann Frackelton, Robert Frackelton, son Evan, daughter Samantha and wife Madonna. Robert Frackelton was named a Villa Park Distinguished Citi- zen for the month of June. He has been a fixture in the city since his family moved here in 1970 when he was one year old. He was active in his children’s sports, including soccer, basket- ball and Little League. Frackel- ton ran the VP NJB youth bas- ketball league for a few years as chapter director. He served as chief for both the boys' Indian Guides tribe and his daughter's Indian Princess tribe. In 2002 he joined the volun- teer firefighters at Villa Park's Fire Station 23. He earned his EMT certification and was a fireman for eight years. He was named Rookie of the Year and twice named Fire- fighter of the Year. Frackelton helped coordinate the annual VP Marine Thanksgiv- ing since its inception; he and his kids took over running that pro- gram several years ago. Frackelton is wrapping up his year as Villa Park Rotary Presi- dent. He also serves on the Com- munity Foundation of Villa Park Board of Directors, and Co-chair of VPHS Campus Care Day. VPWL awards grant On behalf of the Villa Park Wom- en's League, Barbara Steensland, left, presented a check for $1,000 to Waymakers CEO Ronnetta Johnson. The Waymakers organi- zation is celebrating the 50th An- niversary of service to some of the most vulnerable youth and fami- lies in Orange County.