Foothills Sentry August 2024
Foothills Sentry Page 8 AUGUST 2024 ENROLL NOW FOR 2024-25 CLASSES BEGIN ON AUG. 21 PRESCHOOL • CHILD CARE • TK-12 LEARNING 714-628-5424 • • Full-Day TK/K at Each Elementary Site EDGE Academy K-12 Online Learning Option Elementary & Diploma IB Programmes Dual Immersion Programs: Mandarin & Spanish 100%WASC-Accredited Middle & High Schools Extensive AP Course Offerings Early College Enrollment CIF Championship Athletics Teams 25 Career Technical Education Pathways SCAN TO LEARN MORE OR BOOK A PERSONAL TOUR From left, El Modena Alumni Emma Timmermans (2021) and Landon Jacobs (2020) co-founded the mountain bike team in 2017 while they were students. They share the new bike moment with Jesse Peterson and Lead Coach Donny Ambrose (1988). ElMo alum donates mountain bikes to school team Jesse Peterson, El Modena High School Class of 2002 and founder of Rad Van Bikes, donated bikes, labor and parts to provide the ElMo mountain bike team with two race-ready bikes. His gift al- lows students who do not have a mountain bike to join the team and compete. Peterson built up the bikes us- ing components supplied by lo- cal bicycle companies. The build included a powdered coat paint job with the school colors and Vanguard logo. The bikes debuted during the 2024 racing season. The El Modena mountain bike team/club is open to students in grades 6-12 in the Orange Unified School District. Middle schoolers can train and race under the aus- pices of El Modena High School. Race days for that age group are Saturdays during the December to May season. High school students race on Sundays. Homeschooled students can join as independent racers. Coaching and assistant coach- ing opportunities are available. Coaches assist with training rides, race day activities, work outs, fun- draising and administration. The limited training season be- gins Oct. 1, with the official sea- son commencing Dec. 1. Racing begins in February. Details are available at Racers, riders and coaches may join by sending an email with name, grade, school and contact information to elmom@gmail. com, indicating status as a student athlete or coach. Roger Carlson and Sheryl Franke proudly display their Tustin Area Man and Woman of the Year awards. Tustin Area Man and Woman of the Year announced By Mark Eliot Longtime Tustin community volunteers Roger Carlson and Sheryl Franke were selected as Tustin Area Man and Woman of the Year for 2023. The announcement was made at the annual Tustin Area Man and Woman of the Year (TAM- WY) awards dinner and celebra- tion on May 31 at the Santa Ana Elks Lodge. The TAMWY program has been held for more than 60 years. Tustin individuals are recognized for their dedicated work, lead- ership and outstanding volun- teerism in the community. Nomi- nations are submitted by previous winners or local nonprofits. This year, five men and six women were nominated. Roger Carlson has been in- volved in the Rotary Club of Tu- stin-Santa Ana for more than 24 years, and has served as a board member since 2010, president (2018-19 and 2022-23) and trea- surer. He chaired Rotary’s Arbor Day for the past two years, vol- unteered in its Chili Cook-Off booth, served as security with fel- low Rotarians during Concerts in the Park, and read to elementary school students in Rotary’s Read Across America program. Since creating PB&J Ministries in 2010, Carlson has annually organized the gathering of food for distribution to needy families through food drives with the OC Rescue Mission, Families For- ward and the Tustin Family and Youth Center. In 2016, Carlson, with the as- sistance of the Tustin Commu- nity Center, created and ran the Birthday Ice Cream Social event through 2019, which celebrated Tustin residents 90 years of age and older. Sheryle Franke can best be described as a multi-talented dy- namo. Whether she is heading up an activity for Tustin Area Woman’s Club (TAWC), Santa Ana Elks Lodge 794, Tustin Area Republican Women, Federated (TARWF) or Assistance League of Tustin, where she chaired Op- eration School Bell for five years, her impact has been profound. Franke has been on the board of TAWC from 2015 through 2023, serving as its president, vice president/dean, treasurer, hospitality chair, past-presidents’ club chair and publicity chair, as Photo courtesy of John Garrett well as co-chair of two successful fundraisers. She currently is the Scholarship Committee chair and TAWC’s Young Woman of the Month Program chair. Her overall involvement has helped provide more than $50,000 over the years for TAWC-generated fundraisers. Franke has been treasurer of the Elks Lodge 794 Scholarship Committee since 2020, helping to raise over $140,000 for the lodge’s service area of Tustin, Santa Ana and Irvine. Under her guidance as president for the past three years, TARWF has been rec- ognized as Orange County’s 2023 Republican Club of the Year. Carlson and Franke will be- come lifetime members of the TAMWY organization. They will also ride in the Tustin Tiller Days Parade as guests of honor on Saturday, Oct. 5, and have their names permanently etched on a brick walkway in the plaza between the Tustin Library and Clifton C. Miller Community Center at the Tustin Civic Center.
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