Foothills Sentry September 2021

Foothills Sentry Page 8 September 2021 Troop 243 honors Eagle Scouts Boy Scout Troop 243 of Trin- ity United Presbyterian Church in North Tustin celebrated eight Scouts, Aug. 1, for earning the rank of Eagle. For his Eagle project, Maximil- iano Colgan of Orange created two built-in trophy cases for Ser- vite High School. Hans C. Gar- cia, also from Orange, built two portable wheelchair ramps for Servite High. Will Gibson, from Anaheim, built three performance platforms for Holy Family Catho- lic School classrooms. For his project, Orange’s An- drew Kelly built iPad charging stations for a fourth grade class- room he once attended. Christo- pher Mott, also of Orange, built a stage platform with storage and a play stand for another elementary school. Nathanael Olsen III, of North Tustin, attends Foothill High but built his project -- an aquaponics system -- for El Modena’s Nature Center. Zach Siebert, of Santa Ana, constructed a new bull- pen for that city’s Little League. Markus Llannes built two base cabinets for a classroom at Holy Family Catholic School. Each of the young men would normally have received an indi- vidual ceremony, but due to the pandemic, the parents decided to honor all of the boys simultane- ously. Celebrating its 19th anniver- sary, Troop 243 now boasts 63 Eagles to its credit, nine of which were earned during the pandem- ic. The Eagle rank is the highest achievement for Scouting, and is earned by only 4% of all Scouts. Troop 243's newest Eagle Scouts include, from left, Max Colgan, Zach Siebert, Hans Garcia, Andrew Kelly, Nathan Olsen III, Will Gibson and Christopher Mott. Marcus Llannes is not pictured. Elks hold traditional fete for Marines By Bill Neessen The Orange Elks Lodge 1475 take pride in being asked, every year for the past five years, to host a barbecue for Camp Pendleton Marine families, as their unoffi- cial motto is “As long as there is a vet, the Orange Elks will never forget.” Fifteen Orange Elks drove to Camp Pendleton to help prepare and serve lunch for 1,200 Ma- rines in the 7th Engineer Support Battalion (ESB), and their fami- lies. The 7th ESB provides gen- eral engineering support to the Marine Expeditionary Force. The event was held at Camp Pendle- ton’s Lake O’Neill. Three barbe- cue teams, Pete’s Firehouse BBQ, When Pigs Fly BBQ, and Mar- be-que BBQ, started cooking the day before. The Elks served up pulled pork, brisket and chicken, plus sides of baked beans, corn, coleslaw, potato salad and water- melon. LtCol. Melina Mesta person- ally stopped to thank the Orange Elks for their efforts and service. Members of Orange Elks served a barbecue to 1,200 Marines and their families. Orange Chamber of Commerce President Al Ricci cuts the ribbon to the organization’s new office at 34 Plaza Square. The Aug. 17 ceremony also marked the Chamber’s 100th anniversary. The 2021-22 Woman’s Club of Orange Board of Directors are, top from left, Jodi Hess, Mary Noguera, Dorinda von Tersch; middle row, Marty Brancucci, Terrie Richardson, Carol Calderwood, Pat Longwell; front row, Kathy Host, Irene Serna, Susan Lewis, Rebecca Martinez, Linda Rogers and President Suzanne Vaugine. All women in the area are invited to become a part of this philanthropic organization. Please call (714) 744-6469 for information. The Dino Dash is roaring into 30! The Tustin Public Schools Foundation is celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Dinosaur Dash Ride and Run for Education on Sunday, Oct. 31. What started as a small fun run, organized by community supporters, is now expected to welcome more than 7,000 participants who will run, walk and bike in the largest event to benefit Tustin Unified schools. Hundreds more will join in the fun at the family-friendly Expo, with booths hosted by sponsoring businesses and organizations, as well as school groups. All are welcome to participate. A 2K fun run/walk, chip-time 5K and 10K, as well as a closed- course 5K bike ride, 15K and 50K scenic bike tour will be included. For those unable to participate that day, there is a virtual half marathon option, which includes an event T-shirt and medal, just like the in-person event. The Dino Dash committee is looking for photos of past events, and encourages sharing on so- cial media and sending to dino- . As the date falls on Halloween, there will also be costume contests, in addition to special anniversary recognition. To be a part of the Dash, see Di- for details. Photo by Brian Lochrie