Foothills Sentry October 2021

Foothills Sentry Page 16 October 2021 Quotes of $325 or more Expires 10/31/21 *All coupons are valid one time only. One coupon per customer per job. Not to be combined with any other o er. Coupons discounts are subject to change at any time. INFO@GRUETT.COM E-MAIL US @ TREE PLANTING QUOTES FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER GRUETT.COM VISIT US @ *Not to be combined with any other o er GOOD THRU 10/31/21 20% OFF Pneumatic Aeration & Re-Mineralization Soil Services • Trimming, pruning, lacing, and thinning • Removals • Stump Grinding • Emergency Services • Tree Care Maintenance • Residential / Commercial Property Cleanup • Weed Abatement • Integrated Pest Management • Tree Hazard Assessments • Scientific Solutions • Soil Restructuring • Organic & Systemic Options • Licensed C27, C61, D49 Contractor • ISA Certified Arborist • Certified Plant Healthcare Technicians • Landscape Maintenance Specialist • Consulting Arborists • Heavy Equipment Operators • Your Neighbor! Expires 10/31/21 *Not to be combined with any other o er ************************ GRUETT OFFERS Tree CARE & HEALTHCARE Services We are: *Not to be combined with any other o er. Invoice to be paid upon completion of work $25 OFF 15% OFF Quotes of $610 or more $55 OFF Quotes of $1100 or more $110 OFF Autumn has always been my favorite season. Not just for the fashion, color schemes, pumpkin spice lattes, and Halloween but we finally get a break from the crazy heat and get new smells and scents in the air. Our trees actually love it too and many give us showy, brilliant shades of red, pink, orange, yellow and brown. But why do the deciduous trees change the color of their leaves? Deciduous trees actively produce pigments that are called ‘anthocyanins’ in the fall. This group of polyphenolic pigments gets the credit for the splash of colors the leaves take on in the fall which lower the freezing point of the leaves allowing the tree to retain the leaves for a longer period of time, maximizing the nutrients and energy absorbed by the tree before it becomes dormant. Energy absorbed by the leaves are stored in their woody branches, trunks and larger, structural roots. Protect your pines from bark beetle! Fall is Finally here! • Rake away dead leaves once they’ve dropped • Lower irrigation output, minimize watering schedule • Trim and prune the canopy • Re-Mineralize and Restructure the soil at the base in preparation for Spring’s first bud break • Be careful not to allow mulching to build up on the trunk, this can lead to rot and decay • Fall is the perfect time to plant new trees here in Southern California Autumn To-Do list for your trees: Most pest activity dies down in the cooler months of the year, as the weather gets too cold for the small insects. However, pests that are not affected by the weather change, like the Polyphagous Shot ‐ Hole Borer (PSHB), keep feeding as they have the warmth of the tree to protect them. This pest, a small, flying beetle, bores into the tree, bringing with it a pathogenic fungus (Fusarium spp.). The fungus infects the hydraulic and cambial tissues of the tree, restricting movement of water and nutrients, and leading to black staining. The larvae of the beetle feed on both the cambial/hydraulic tissues of the tree, and on the fungus. If you see what looks like your tree leaking sap, call Gruett Tree Company’s ISA Certified Arborists so we can help rid your poor trees of these ugly buggers. Pest of the Month Polyphagous Shot ‐ Hole Borer