Foothills Sentry - October 2022

Page 13 Foothills Sentry October 2022 OC FamilySearch Center Celebrates the Family FamilySearch Center volunteers know where to find generational data. Join us for a Dia de los Muertos Celebration of the Family on Saturday, Nov. 5, from4 - 8 p.m. at the Orange County FamilySearch Center at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 675 S. Yorba. Tour the Orange County Fami- lySearch Center to learn how to find your ancestors while enjoy- ing Mexican cultural activities honoring the dead with music, singing, dancing and calaveras (face painting). Authentic Mexi- can food will be available to purchase. If you would like to share your artistic talents to cre- ate chalk paintings, exhibit your family photos and keepsakes in altares (altar displays), or learn more about the event, contact oc_ . The Orange County FamilySe- arch Center is staffed by over 40 community volunteers skilled in researching books, databases, and translating documents in many languages. The Center’s com- puters and resources are freely available to individuals or groups interested in seeking information about ancestors or family mem- bers. Drop in to start your journey – or go online to register for free classes and additional one-on- one help. See en/family-history-library/orange- county. Everyone is a suspect Whodunnit? Every guest at the Villa Park Women’s League adult Hallow- een Murder Mystery Dinner will be a suspect. Make a reservation to come in costume or dressy ca- sual at the Yorba Linda Country Club on Saturday, Oct. 29, from 6:30 to 10 p.m. to enjoy dinner and help solve the mystery – or complete the crime. Contact Risa Scott, I am proud to call Orange my home, where I have lived my entire life. My family has given back to the community for multiple gen- erations, and I continue that legacy by serving with Orange Rotary, Knights of Columbus, Orange Emblem Club and the Orange Commu- nity Historical Society. I am running for city council because I believe that Orange deserves proactive leadership that puts residents first. I’m not a politician, I am a concerned citizen who will work to ensure a stable future for Orange. I am committed to driving positive and responsible change. One of my top priorities is to keep our city safe and support our first responders. I have worked to protect our residents by successfully defending the term limit ordinance in court, supporting the No on AA campaign, and opposing the rezoning of the Tustin Corridor. I will support our local businesses and am committed to maintaining a balanced budget and spending our tax dollars wisely. I have pledged not to take contribu- tions from developers. Vote Russo for Orange City Council District 3 John Russo Orange City Council Candidates - District 3 Like you, I want our local city government to work for you by root- ing out waste, fraud and abuse. As a champion of public safety, I will work to combat homelessness, unburden Orange families and busi- nesses from excessive taxation, and be a voice in overseeing the future of the Village At Orange Mall. I am a small business owner and the first Greek-American to serve on the Orange City Council. I have lived in District 3 for 41 years, since my parents and I immigrated to the U.S. when I was a child. I attended Orange Unified Schools and graduated from California State University, Long Beach. I’m involved in the Orange Community Foundation, Orange Elks, Orange Chamber of Commerce and Orange Woman’s Club. As councilwoman, I’ve delivered results: • Led approval of new police officers • Added a rescue ambulance • Advocated for a Veterans’ Cemetery northeast of Orange • Led Orange’s efforts to urge Sacramento to suspend gas tax for six months. Endorsements: City of Orange Police Association, Orange City Fire- fighters. I respectfully ask for your vote. Kathy Tavoularis I am honored to have previously served as your councilman and mayor pro tem. My priorities as your councilmember are: Public Safety – I will continue to make this our budget priority to attract and retain the best personnel to keep our community safe and address our homeless population. Saving Taxpayers Dollars - I delivered eight balanced city budgets with no new taxes. Under my leadership, the city-wide trash disposal contract was competitively bid for the first time in city history, result- ing in 70 million dollars in savings to our residents and businesses. Economy – I will show leadership and directly engage the ownership and neighbors of the Village At Orange Mall to revitalize it. I will not allow this property to continue to deteriorate. The city needs to proac- tively work with the ownership to bring in new businesses to fill the empty storefronts. My vision for Orange, combined with past service, has earned the endorsement of the Orange Taxpayers Association. With your vote, we will keep Orange the best city to live, work and raise a family. (714) 749-6386 Denis Bilodeau My family has lived in Orange since 1944. My wife and I have cho- sen to raise our sons here, and have owned and operated a successful small business for 20 years. The perspective I will bring to the city council is one of common business sense and a bottom-line approach to solving problems. I also believe it’s important for elected officials to be held to a higher standard and be above reproach. If elected, I pledge to serve as a coun- cilmember with respect, integrity and full transparency. I pledge the following as a member of the Orange City Council : • Make public safety a top priority • Vote against any tax increase • Work with other city leaders to address the homelessness issue in our city Chris brings a new generation of leadership the residents and busi- ness owners in Orange are desperate for. He will make sure our city will be the best it can be. IS THIS A QUOTE? It would be an honor to serve the city I was born and raised in, and I humbly ask for your vote. owing as a member of Council: Safety a top priority any tax increase er city leaders to eradicate issue in our city range City Council 2022 FPPC ID #1450743 Orange I have re and essful iness. ant for ld to a and be roach. rve as spect, rency. Chris Horton Women’s Council presents Quartermania The Premier Women’s Council will host its annual Quarter Auc- tion Public Charity Fundraiser on Tuesday, Oct. 18 at American Legion Post 132, 143 S. Lemon Street from 5-8 p.m. Quartermania is a public event where new or gently used items will be auctioned for one, two, three or four quarters each. All items are donated by vendors and supporters. There is no charge to attend or to be a vendor. The Women’s Council is look- ing for volunteers who can assist in set up and tear down. Volun- teers are also sought for food and drink service, ticket sales, and help with auction activities. Student volunteers will receive a Community Service Certificate, which will include the number of hours volunteered. Students, volunteers, vendors and attendees will be able to participate in the auction bidding. Atamale dinner, which includes rice and beans, will be available for $8. A combo meal will add chips, salsa and a beverage to the tamale dinner for $10. Dinner will be served from 5 to 6 p.m. or until the food runs out. Desserts and beverages will be sold a la carte. Ninety percent of the proceeds will go to scholarships for deserving students. The other 10% will go to the American Legion Orange Post 132. For vendor opportunities, donations, and to RSVP for food, please contact Susie Flores at or (714) 914-5272. Please RSVP for food count. The doors open at 4:30. Orange City Council Candidates - District 4 Candidate John Newman did not respond to request for statements.