Foothills Sentry - October 2022

Foothills Sentry Page 14 October 2022 | f /KrisforOUSD Re-Elect a Trusted Leader THIS NOVEMBER, VOTE TO Kris Erickson Uniting Parents, Teachers, and Our Community to Put Students First! As a retired OUSD Classroom Teacher, I have seen board members come and go. Kris Erickson, along with board members Andrea Yamasaki and Kathy Moffat, consistently visited our campuses to see how their decisions impacted both students and teachers. Kris always listened and offered support for our concerns and she was always there to cheer us on. She cares about public education and has my full support . Re-elect Kris Erickson to the OUSD school board. – Teresa Andrade, Retired OUSD Classroom Teacher As a public-school teacher, a mother of Orange Unified students and as someone elected to move our City forward, I am proud to support Kris Erickson’s re-election as Trustee to the Orange Unified School District School Board. Kris, a fellow El Modena High School graduate, has deep roots in our community and is passionate about public service . She is an active board member who studies every issue and puts students at the center of her decision-making. We need to continue the progress Orange Unified has recently made. It’s good for our students and it’s good for our community. – Ana Gutierrez, Orange City Councilmember As parents of an OUSD kindergartener, Adam and I proudly support re-electing Kris Erickson for OUSD School Board. As fellow El Modena HS Mock Trial coaches, Adam and I saw firsthand her dedication to our students, even after her own daughters had graduated. In her first term on the board, Kris has consistently provided a steady hand and unmatched leadership to make sure our students and community members – not politics – were the focus of the Board’s actions. With her dedication to public education, our son could not be in better hands . – Nisha Verma and Adam Klugman, Orange, CA Orange Unified Classroom Teachers Endorsed PAID FOR BY ERICKSON FOR OUSD SCHOOL BOARD 2022 #1404220