Foothills Sentry - October 2022
Page 15 Foothills Sentry October 2022 Kathy Moffat OUSD School Board - FOR - An Experienced Leader - Trusted by the Community PAID FOR BY MOFFAT FOR OUSD SCHOOL BOARD 2022. ID# 1453603 “Kathy Moffat is a model school board member with experience, vision and integrity, who always puts kids first. Her values are hon - esty, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and high student achievement. A PTA leader for decades, she is committed to ensuring parent involvement in school decision making. We are delighted to endorse her.” Valerie and Geoff Fearns “Kathy has been a community leader for years. Whether with the Chamber of Commerce, the Orange YMCA, the PTA or especially with our schools, her commitment to serve is evident. As a former teacher she knows that great schools are essential for great communities. I have known Kathy and Duncan Moffat for years and have the highest regard for them.” Honorable Dan Slater, Candidate for Mayor of Orange “I am pleased and honored to endorse Kathy Moffat for re-election to our school board. Her dedication and commitment to the children of the Orange Unified School District is admi - rable. Kathy truly cares about the commu - nity and those she represents. There are not enough good words I could say about her.” Christy Covington, OUSD Teacher of the Year, 2017 WWW.KATHYMOFFATOUSD.ORG Working to Protect Our Quality of Life… Vote to Elect JOHN GYLLENHAMMER Orange City Council District 6 Paid for by: John Gyllenhammer for Orange City Council 2022 • ID# 1445061 • Ensure Police and Fire have the resources they need to protect our neighborhoods and schools • See that our parks and open space be preserved • Maintain a balanced budget with no new taxes • Preserve Orange’s great heritage, traditions and celebrations • Promote small business-friendly policies to ensure future growth Working to Protect Our Quality of Life… Vote to El ct JOHN GYLLENHAMMER Orange City Council District 6 ORANGE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 6 Katabatic winds! (Look it up!) Burning memory Fifteen years ago, on the eve- ning of October 21, 2007, sirens went off not long after an arsonist set the Santiago Fire at Santiago Canyon Road. Longtime canyon residents know the story. New- comers might hear anecdotes of evacuation and time away from our homes (at a makeshift park- ing lot encampment at a local supermarket) told at the annual Silverado Country Fair on Sat- urday and Sunday, Oct. 8-9; of houses destroyed and damaged, and firefighters injured; if also of brave, smart strategic decisions and actions which saved so many. Nearly 30,000 acres burned, but the community stepped up, with donations, solidarity and, today, an emergency network, improved infrastructure, lots of tips about California Fair Plan insurance and home generators. Other lessons learned from a fire exacerbated by high Santa Ana (katabatic) winds, and what to keep in your go bag, will no doubt be the subject of conversation at Modjeska Fire Station 16 on Halloween, where trick-or-treaters and their chaperones will gather, hopefully with their PulsePoint apps on. Locals might be encouraged to secure a GMRS radio from the Inter-Canyon League (ICL), keep it charged, and learn how to use it if (no, when) power goes out. This year’s fair, at the Com- munity Center, offers crafts, food, games, and live music, including the triumphant return of Grateful Dead cover band Cubensis. Visit the “boutique” room with col- lectables for sale to benefit the Friends of the Library. GOTV Register to vote online at OC by Oct. 24, and antici- pate mailing of a sample ballot voter guide and then your vote- by-mail ballot, with instructions on the many ways to return it by the Nov. 8 General Election. Our newly redrawn Congres- sional district race and a Silvera- do-Modjeska Recreation and Park District (SMRPD) election will engage the interest and ac- tivism of local voters, with ICL hosting a candidates’ forum – in- person at the Community Center and streaming live -- on Tues- day, Oct. 4, 7 p.m. Zoom link at While online, check out the new ICL History Committee’s website of news clippings, photographs, and artifacts. See home/index.html. Take a load off September’s Coastal and Wa- tershed Clean-up brought out dozens of community volunteers, organized by longtime defensible space, fire safety and emergency preparedness advocate (and Sil- verado Fire Chief) Steve Kerri- gan. He can tell you stories about the 2007 fire! Danny Graham of Fire Safe Council and Team Ru- bicon organized his crew, which cleared an entire hillside in Modjeska Canyon. An armada of massive dis- posal containers lined Silverado Canyon Road where, ironically, Mount Riviera once stood. Hard to measure, but at least 400 pounds of trash and 30 loads of canyon debris ended up there, a lot of it chipped for compost cov- er, a good way to control weeds. Happy birthday! Actress and activist Helena Modjeska was born in Poland on Oct. 12, 1840. Locals celebrate her birthday by decorating her California historic marker and watching “Madame Modjeska’s Fairytale,” a film production from Silverado resident Annie Loui, professor of acting at UC Irvine and artistic director for CounterBalance Theatre. To schedule a docent-led tour of the Modjeska House at (949) 923- 2230. Wszyskjego najlepszego z okazji urodzin! Check it out Library of the Canyons offers special kid programming, includ- ing weekly builders’ workshops. Ask Librarian Rylee Gagne about the Oct. 13 “Talewise Dry Ice Show” and Oct. 27 “Creepy Sto- rytime.” Adults in the book club (meets Wednesday, Oct. 5) read and discuss “Alice Isn’t Dead” from celebrated “Night Vale” podcast host Joseph Fink. Flora and fauna Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary is open, welcoming visitors on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., starting in October. A project of the Environment Nature Center, which works closely with neighbors, the ENC offers special programming and docent trainings; tucker/. If you lived here, you’d be res- cued now “British. Experienced, award- winning Realtor in South Orange County. Co-founder Modjeska Ranch Rescue.” Russell Taylor’s Facebook page profile introduces him succinctly. His new book “Living in an Animal Rescue” argues, documents, and complements his bio nicely. With wife Teresa, the Modjeska resident founded the Ranch Rescue in 2001, hosting over 10,000 creatures on their property. With chapter titles including “Bath time and the Great Dane with a Broken Leg” and “Hay is Dangerous,” the collection of short essays, stories, photographs and “guest” profiles is a charming, funny, affectionate autobiography of a local Dr. Dolittle who’s done quite a lot to care for animals (dogs, cats, goats, llamas, pigs, horses, turkeys, chinchillas, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, guinea pigs, turtles and fish), advocate for their well-being, and celebrate their place in our lives. The book features vivid de- scriptions of canyon life from up on the Modjeska Grade includ- ing --- no kidding --- stories of (what else?) our history of wild- fires, evacuation, and life in our vulnerable if proudly pet-friendly ecosystem. Troop 850 to host open house Boy Scout Troop 850 will hold an open house at Cerro Villa Mid- dle School on Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 7 to 8 p.m. Troop 850 is looking for boys to be part of an active organiza- tion that promotes leadership de- velopment while having fun. To be eligible to join, boys must be at least 11 years old; or, at least 10 years old, currently in the fifth grade and register on or af- ter March 1; or, at least 10 years old and have earned the Arrow of Light. If working on the Arrow of Light, this is an opportunity to meet requirements for this award. The troop, founded in 1965 with 135 Eagle Scouts to its cred- it, has a well-rounded program offering not only camping expe- riences, but also high adventure outings and a leadership devel- opment seminar. Sponsored by the Villa Park Rotary Club, the troop meets at Cerro Villa Middle School at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, September through May. Visit the website for more information, .
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