Foothills Sentry - November 2023

Page 7 Foothills Sentry November 2023 The Holidays are coming. Enjoy the family and friends at your place. Let them sleep at our place. The NewOrange Grove Inn , where simple, clean, quiet and economical is our passion. Rates start at $84.00 plus tax. 1671 El Camino Real Tustin, CA 92780 Reservations #714-474-2400 Neighbors celebrated the property owner’s withdrawal of an appli- cation for a green burial ground by holding a day-long block party, Oct. 8. The residents in the area of Yorba Street, south of the dog park and east of the landfill area that was considered as the cem- etery site, had joined forces to oppose the project. They collected data, notified the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) and made public comments at every city council meeting for more than a year. While the City of Orange was moving the cemetery application through its processing cycle, the LEA was firm on the requirements it imposed on the property owner to stabilize the landfill and make it suitable for gravesites. Those requirements were apparently more than the landowner wanted to take on. Celebrants from Carole, Teri, Tracy, Jennifer, Karen and Deborah Lanes enjoyed food, drink, a gam- ing truck and music by City Center. Below from left, is opposition team member Silvia San Nicholas, Fifth District Councilwoman Ana Gutierrez, neighborhood leaders Sharon and Bernie Galasso and kindred spirits from Orange Park Acres Laurel Maldonado and Dru Whitefeather. Conservative Patriots feature senate candidate U.S. Senatorial candidate James Bradley will speak at the Conservative Patriots of Orange County meeting, Thursday, Nov. 16. Following his talk, the general membership will then have an in- teractive debate of all the candi- dates CPOC has heard, with a call for the members in good standing to vote for candidates CPOC will support in 2024. To be a member in good stand- ing, the current 2023 membership dues must be paid. The previous October meeting featured U.S. Senatorial candi- date Denice Gary-Pandol and 47th District Congressional can- didate Max Ukropina. In Septem- ber, the membership heard from candidate Eric Early, also a can- didate for U.S. Senate. Doors open at 5:30 at the Elks Lodge, 1751 S. Elk St. The meet- ing begins with a buffet dinner. Tickets are $30 per person online at , or contact Peggy Baranyay, (714) 828-1289 or swtmthr@sbcglobal. net. Tickets at the door are $30 for members, $35 for non-members. Kiwanis Club of Orange receives proclamation The Kiwanis Club of Orange held its installation dinner at the Los Cabos Mexican Restaurant, Sept. 28, where Greg Lewin, for- mer Orange City Fire Captain, rang the bell and brought the meeting to order one last time. Installed in his place, and not new to the position, is Shannon Tucker. She was president for two years and is back. Also serving on this year’s board: Frank Tucker, vice president; Rhonda Weiss, treasurer; Debbie Booth, secre- tary; and Bruce Morrison, direc- tor. Rhonda Weiss was named Pat Buttress, (center) representing Supervisor Don Wagner, presents a proclamation honoring the Kiwanis service to the community to Greg Lewin and incoming President Shannon Tucker. Kiwanian of the Year for her ex- emplary service. The evening was highlighted by the presentation of a pres- tigious Proclamation from the County Board of Supervisors by Pat Buttress. Tucker presented Lewin with an outgoing gift of an original Kiwanis song book. He shared some things you may not know about the club. Kiwanis Interna- tional is a service club founded in 1915 in Detroit. It is head- quartered in Indianapolis, and is found in more than 80 nations and geographic areas. In 1987, the organization be- gan to accept women. Kiwanis and its affiliated clubs have more than 600,000 members. The clubs raise over $100 million each year and report over 18.5 million vol- unteer hours to strengthen com- munities and serve children. For more information, contact Randy Garell at info@grantboys. com or via text at (714) 292- 5693. Neighbors celebrate a "win"