Foothills Sentry - December 2024

Page 3 Foothills Sentry DECEMBER 2024 Cannon Street to be widened The City of Orange has begun the public notification process to add a third northbound lane and a pedestrian/bike bridge to Can- non Street. A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was made available for public comment during the month of November. Whether a public hearing on the road im- provements will be held has yet to be determined. The proposed project will widen northbound Cannon Street from 500 feet north of Santiago Canyon Road to Serrano Avenue to accommodate a third lane. The new lane will merge into two ex- isting right turn lanes at Serrano. Bicyclists and pedestrians will cross Santiago Creek on a new bridge just west of the existing vehicular bridge. The new bridge will span the creek, and is ex- pected to be approximately 170 feet long and 12 feet wide. It will carry two-way traffic for pedes- trians and southbound traffic for bicyclists. The City of Orange is coordi- nating with the Orange County Flood Control District and the City of Villa Park regarding the portions of the project that fall within those jurisdictions. No start date has been identi- fied, but the work is expected to take eight months. OHS JROTC celebrates 249th Marine Corps birthday Orange High School Marine Corps JROTC unit celebrated the Marine Corps 249th birthday, Nov. 8, with a formal luncheon at the Elks Club in Orange. (The ac- tual birthday is Nov. 10, but that fell on a Sunday.) Guests included Congress- woman Young Kim (CA-40), Representatives from Congress- man Lou Correa’s office (CA- 46), members of the Orange City Council and OUSD School Board and Senior Marine Instruc- tor Colonel Mark Tull (USMC, Ret.). Master Sergeant Carlos Mata (USMC, Ret.) emceed. The OHS JROTC continues to thrive, with enrollment exceed- ing 200, making it the largest program in the Western U.S. The cadets formed up at Orange High School and marched the three-quarter mile route to the Elks Club to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday. Foothill High to offer IB program Foothill High School offers the prestigious International Bac- calaureate (IB) Program to its students. The IB Program is a rigorous college preparatory pro- gram for motivated students with strong academic skills. Middle school, ninth or tenth grade families interested in the IB program are encouraged to attend an information night on Monday, Jan. 13 at 6 p.m. in the Little Theater on Foothill's cam- pus. For questions, contact Katie Montgomery at kmontgomery@ or visit mytusd. org/foothill. The red lines indicate the Cannon Street lane configuration after improvements. The new bike lane bridge appears middle right.