FUHSD Adult School - Winter-Spring 2025
Days Th Drumming for Wellness Price $110 Time 06:30pm- 07:30pm Location Ed Ops 105 Sessions 8 weeks * Instructor: Heather H. Music Ukulele Beginning Days Th Price $105 Time 06:00pm- 07:00pm Location Adult School Room 2 Sessions 8 weeks Instructor: Michael Law Ukulele Adv/Begin Days Th Price $105 Time 07:15pm- 08:15pm Location Adult School Room 2 Sessions 8 weeks Instructor: Michael Law Build Your Voice Days W Price $120 Time 07:30pm- 08:30pm Location CHS Room 401 Sessions 8 weeks Instructor: Patrica Nicolas Argentine Tango Level 2 Days Th Price $75 Time 07:45pm- 08:45pm Location Adult School Room 4 Sessions 6 weeks Instructor: Keith Minton Days Th Argentine Tango Level 1 Price $75 Time 06:45pm- 07:45pm Location Adult School Room 4 Sessions 6 weeks Instructor: Keith Minton Dance Line Dance: Beg. Days F Price $90 Time 12:00pm- 01:15pm Location Adult School Room 4 Sessions 8 weeks Instructor: Michael Shannon Line Dance: Int. Days F Price $90 Time 02:00pm- 03:15pm Location Adult School Room 4 Sessions 8 weeks Instructor: Michael Shannon Figure Drawing Time 06:30pm- 08:30pm Location Ed Ops 208 Sessions 8 weeks * Instructor: Ralph Werner Price $170 FuhsdAdultSchool.com/community-interest • (408) 522-2700 Meet Acting Instructor: Summer Pierson! As a long-time student herself, Summer knows first-hand just how impactful our classes are on our students. She now teaches our outstanding Improv classes where she shares her passion for acting with students of all backgrounds. Days Th Acting: All Levels Price $255 Time 06:00pm- 09:00pm Location CHS Room 401 Sessions 10 weeks Instructor: Carey Harbin Acting Days Th Acting: Improv Price $180 Time 06:00pm- 09:00pm Location CHS Room 401 Sessions 7 weeks * Instructor: Summer Pierson Days Tu Sewing and Alterations Price $200 Time 12:30pm- 03:00pm Location Adult School Room 1 Sessions 8 weeks Instructor: Fari Kucsak Sewing Color Theory Price $170 Time 06:30pm- 08:30pm Location Fremont High R162 Sessions 8 weeks * Instructor: Ralph Werner * Indicates a class that begins during Session 4 Days Tu 05 Days W
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