Las Positas College - Spring 2025 - Class Schedule
64 SPRING 2025 9 25. 424. 1 000 | l p c - a d m i s s i o n s @ l a s p o s i t a s c o l l e g e . e d u S P R I N G 2025 - C O U R S E L I S T I N G S Please refer to the onl ine schedule on CLASS-Web to access course section detai ls and the course record numbers (CRNs) for registration. part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid internship or position related to their major field of study will contract, in collaboration with their work supervisor and instructor, to set measurable, achievable goals; accomplish new or expanded learning objectives; and broadenwork skills andexperiences. Studentswill apply discipline- specific knowledge, skills, and abilities gained in the classroom. Students can earn 1 to 8 units per semester for a maximum of 16 units of Cooperative Work Experience, which includes General Work Experience and Occupational Work Experience/Internship. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 unpaid hours per unit earned during the semester. Students are required to participate in one orientation, announced in the course on Canvas. WRKX classes can be taken multiple times, up to 16 units total of any combination of WRKX 94 and/or WRKX 95. Students must already have employment or unpaid work and must work a minimum of 75 paid hours or 60 unpaid hours per term. WRKX units are based on hours worked during the course. To enroll in the correct section, please refer to the Units/Hours/Section Chart at IF A SECTION IS CLOSED, SCROLL DOWN FOR OPEN SECTIONS WITH ANOTHER INSTRUCTOR. WRKX 95 GENERAL WORK EXPERIENCE 4.0 Units This course of supervised employment provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit while working and developing desirable work habits, attitudes, and skills. Students working in any part-time or full-time, paid or unpaid position will contract, in collaboration with their work supervisor and instructor, to set measurable, achievable goals; accomplish new or expanded learning objectives; and broaden work skills and experiences. The work experience need not be related to the students’ educational goals. Students can earn 1 to 6 units per semester for a maximum of 16 units of Cooperative Work Experience, which includes General Work Experience and Occupational Work Experience/ Internship. Students must work 75 paid hours or 60 unpaid hours per unit earned during the semester. Students are required to participate in one orientation, announced in the course on Canvas. WRKX classes can be taken multiple times, up to 16 units total of any combination of WRKX 94 and/or WRKX 95. Students must already have employment or unpaid work and must work a minimum of 75 paid hours or 60 unpaid hours per term. WRKX units are based on hours worked during the course. To enroll in the correct section, please refer to the Units/Hours/Section Chart at IF A SECTION IS CLOSED, SCROLL DOWN FOR OPEN SECTIONS WITH ANOTHER INSTRUCTOR. Scan here to visit the current Spring 2025 class schedule online
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