Las Positas College - Spring 2025 - Class Schedule
77 COLLEGE POLICIES & PROCEDURES ACADEMIC FREEDOM Academic freedom exists and is nurtured in our community for the common good of all citizens. Students, faculty, administrators and society itself derive benefits from the practice of academic freedomwith its open search for truth and its free exposition. Academic freedom is fundamental for the protection of the instructor’s right in teaching and the student’s right in learning in the classroom and on the campus. Academic freedom carries with it responsibilities correlative with rights, such responsibilities being implicit in all freedoms and assured by all members of the college to insure the rights of others. ACADEMIC HONESTY Las Positas College is dedicated to maintain an optimal learning environment and insists upon academic honesty and adherence to standards of student conduct. To uphold the academic integrity, all members of the academic community shall assume responsibility for providing an educational environment of the highest standard characterized by academic honesty. It is the responsibility of all members of the academic community to encourage learning, promote honesty, and act with fairness. Student conduct at Las Positas College must conform to federal and state laws and college district policies and procedures. CLASS SCHEDULE AND CATALOG The class schedule and college catalog are publications of Las Positas College. They provide information regarding course and program offerings including dates, times, prerequisites, and course descriptions. You may obtain the publications at the College Bookstore, download them from the College website, or by accessing MyPortal or The ZONE online. The class schedule is available in alternate format. Contact the Disability Resource Center at (925) 424-1510 for assistance. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE The Student Health & Wellness Center is the entity at Las Positas College that is responsible for working with Alameda County Public Health Department in communicable disease control. CONSUMER INFORMATION The federal Higher Education Act, the federal Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, and regulatory guidance provided in the Code of Federal Regulations require notification of prescribed information to certain target audiences including prospective students, currently enrolled students, current employees, parents, coaches and counselors of prospective student athletes, and the general public. Disclosures are to include crime/security statistics, student completion/graduation rates, privacy/security rights, financial aid program information, and gender-specific information on athletic participation and financial support. Detailed information and corresponding reports are found online on the college website. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION It is policy of the college district that employees and students must adhere to the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code) when using materials for instructional, institutional, or any other purpose. DISCLAIMERS, LAS POSITAS COLLEGE WEBSITE DISCLAIMER The Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD) attempts to maintain the highest accuracy of content on its websites. Any errors or omissions should be reported for investigation. CLPCCD makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the absolute accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this website. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third-party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to the contents of this website or its hyperlinks to other Internet resources. Reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the CLPCCD or its employees or agents. This website has links to sites that may be useful to the public and that may provide other services or information. When the user links to another website, which is not an authorized CLPCCD website, the user is no longer on a CLPCCD website. The CLPCCD disclaims any responsibility or liability for the services or information provided on non-CLPCCD websites. PHOTOGRAPHY DISCLAIMER Chabot and Las Positas Colleges, being non-profit California Community Colleges, reserve the right to use photography and video images of students and visitors, age 18 and older, taken on our property and at college-sponsored events for marketing and promotional purposes. Objection to the use of an individual’s photograph may be made in writing to the district office of marketing and public relations, addressed to: Director, Public Relations, Marketing and Government Relations Chabot-Las Positas Community College District 7600 Dublin Blvd., 3rd Floor Dublin, CA 94568 DISTANCE EDUCATION Las Positas College offers quality distance education to its students. Distance education allows students who work, raise families, are disabled, are environmentally conscious, or who otherwise cannot come to campus the ability to pursue their educational goals.
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