National Association 2023 IBS Show Guide

9 Show Policies Use the NAHB International Builders’ Show (IBS) Official Show Guide as a reference for getting around the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). Exhibit Hall Hours Central Hall, West Halls W1-W2, South Hall S3 (Level 2) & IBS Outdoor Exhibits (Silver Lot) Tuesday, January 31 – Thursday, February 2 ....... 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Security The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) hold the safe and orderly conduct of NAHB International Builders’ Show (IBS) as one of our highest priorities. Enhanced measures are in effect throughout the LVCC. Please be aware: • Both uniformed and undercover security are present throughout the LVCC • Attendees, exhibitors, and staff are required to wear badges provided • All persons and packages brought to the LVCC are subject to search • K-9 Security and Detection is in operation at the LVCC • While on-site, attendees and exhibitors are encouraged to report anything that appears suspicious by: • Texting “DCW” and your tip to 672-83 • Calling Show Security at (702) 943-3504 • Calling LVCC Security at (702) 892-7400, or • Calling 911 Through these enhanced measures and an increased vigilance on the part of the facility, NAHB staff and our attendees we are confident that we will achieve our mutual safety goals. Children and Strollers Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times when in the exhibit areas. Registration of children is complimentary and must be done on-site. All children except infants in backpacks or slings must be registered and display a badge to be admitted to the exhibit areas. Strollers and children are permitted in the exhibit areas only during published show hours. Attendees assume all risks associated with the use of strollers on the show floor, including but not limited to personal injury or property damage. Live Animals Live animals of any kind are not allowed on the exhibit floor, with the exception of service animals. Lost and Found Lost and Found articles should be reported to the NAHB Show Operations Office located in North 251. Following the Show, inquiries on lost articles may be directed to the NAHB Exhibitions and Meetings Group, 1201 15th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005, (202) 266-8184. Non-Exhibitor Solicitation Policy An entity not exhibiting at the Exposition but holding an exhibit demonstration or display in a Las Vegas hotel, meeting room or other non-Exposition venue during the Exposition (“suitcasing”), will lose exhibitor priority points, which will affect space selection at future Expositions. If an Exhibitor cancels their official Exposition space and “suitcases” in any non-official venue during Exposition dates, then the Exhibitor will lose all of its priority points for future Expositions. Photography Notice Due to the sensitive nature of new products and unique booth displays at the Show, photography and/or video recording of any booths within the Exhibit areas by any attendee/exhibitor personnel is prohibited. Exceptions are made only when permission is obtained from the exhibitor whose booth/product is being photographed/videotaped and/ or all individuals appearing in the photograph or video. Filming Policy For safety and legal reasons, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and Emerald Expositions, the show manager for KBIS, strictly limit taping at the International Builders’ Show and the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) during Design & Construction Week. NAHB and Emerald Expositions require all video and production crews to request permission to record on either show floor, and to apply in advance as either a production company or a videography crew. All production companies and videography crews must pre-register and submit their application by Friday, January 6, 2023. On-site registration will not be available. Local network news crews are the exception to this rule and may register on site. • A Production Company is a crew that is taping for a show that is in current production and booked to air on a recognized network or station. NAHB and Emerald Expositions will determine at their sole discretion whether a network or station is “recognized,” and any such decision shall be final. • A Videography Crew is a camera crew or cameraman contracted by an IBS or KBIS exhibitor to record solely in that exhibitor’s booth for that company’s private/non-broadcast use only. All Videography crews should have registered and completed the required paperwork in advance of the show. Upon approval, crews will be provided with camera tags to gain access to the show floor. • Producers scouting for a show or others who do not meet these qualifications must purchase Non-Editorial Press passes and may not bring cameras onto either show floor. No other individuals other than approved crews will be permitted to carry a video camera into the exhibit area. NAHB and Emerald Expositions reserve the right to remove representatives of any Production Company or Videography Crew from the show if they deem that the company or its representative(s) in any way violated stated policies and/or misrepresented itself or the nature of its business. NAHB and Emerald Expositions furthermore reserve the right to confiscate all recordings taken inside any of the IBS or KBIS exhibit areas or education areas. Anyone removed from the show forfeits their right to any and all refunds, including but not limited to any fees paid, production costs, travel costs and any money paid to their staff and crews. In no event will NAHB or Emerald Expositions be responsible or liable for the out-of-pocket expenditures or other commitments of the Production Company or Videography Crew. For more information on this policy, please go to presspolicies.