National Association 2023 IBS Show Guide
17 Centrals & NAHB Communities Contents 55+ Housing Central W308 Custom Building Central W209 Design Central W213 Production Builder Executive Club, p. 25 Exclusive VIP lounge for executives of the top U.S. 250 builders—enjoy daily events, presentations and critical industry discussions. NAHB Building Systems Councils Lounge, p. 26 Get tips to market and sell systems built homes and discover the ways systems built construction can save you time and money. NAHB Professional Women in Building Headquarters, p. 27 Engage in interactive workshops and network with women that design, build and operate within the home building industry. NAHB Student Chapters, pp. 31-32 Offering first-hand exposure to the home building industry and laying the foundation for successful careers through competition and education. Engage in lively discussions. Connect with industry experts and peers in your area of expertise. Grab a snack, take a break and gain specialty insights in the IBS Centrals. Open to all IBS registrants in the NEW West Hall. IBS CENTRALS MORE DETAILS, PP. 17-24 COMMUNITIES Multifamily Central W310 Remodeling Central W212 Sales Central W311
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