National Association 2023 IBS Show Guide

44 Tuesday, January 31, 2023 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM SG23-29 2023 IBS Show Guide House That She Built Half Page FINAL.indd 1 12/9/22 2:44 PM C Custom Building & Remodeling COPE: A New Strategy for Markup, Margin & Pricing W203 Times have changed. Our companies and our clients have become more sophisticated. It is time to improve our estimating methodology. This session will teach an innovative strategy for your markups and pricing: Cost of Project Execution (COPE). Through the use of dynamic profit margins, capacity-based overhead, transparency in estimates and more, you can turn the dials to make your company more consistently profitable and deliver a better experience to your customers. Presenter(s):˜ Michael Anschel, OA Design+Build+Architecture Continuing Ed.:˜ NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s) A Architecture & Design Floor Plan Magic: Spotting & Solving 10 Sneaky Home Design Problems W218 Sneaky, overlooked floor plan design issues have increasingly made their way into our homes. Whether it be from an increased emphasis on complying with construction standards or simply lingering problems that haven’t been caught and corrected over the years, these flaws are lowering our homeowners’ quality of life and the efficiency of what we build. Using a progressive series of sample plans, this session will explore 10 of the most common floor plan problems, identify ways to spot them in your designs and demonstrate appropriate fixes so that you can more thoughtfully and intentionally meet the individual needs of your clients. Presenter(s):˜ Stefanie Olson, She Builds | Stefani Thatcher, NCIDQ, Domani Home Design | Square Foot Superhero Continuing Ed.:˜ NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s), AIA - 1.0 LU Hour(s)