National Association 2023 IBS Show Guide

63 M Multifamily Housing Multifamily Unit, Amenity & Site Design Trends W303 Multifamily designs are continuously evolving in response to new design ideas and everchanging tenant demands. What multifamily product design features are adding the most value in the market today? What are the latest common area features and amenities, and how are they being valued by tenants? How are unit configurations changing to accommodate work from home? How are electric vehicle charging stations being handled in the latest properties? How valuable are outdoor and community amenities? This session will explore all these questions and more. Presenter(s): Angela Harris, MS, CMP, ASID, IIDA, TRIO | Bobby Long, LEED AP, KEPHART | David Senden, KTGY Architecture + Planning | Sanford Steinberg, CGP, Steinberg Dickey Collaborative, LLP Continuing Ed.: NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s), AIA - 1.0 LU Hour(s) C Custom Building & Remodeling Trends, Forecasts & Key Indicators: What Custom Builders & Remodelers Need to Know in 2023 W203 After several years of uncertainty, it is critical that custom builders and remodelers understand key trends and critical industry indicators so that you can better prepare your business for 2023 and ensure you are adept at pivoting no matter which way the market turns. In this dynamic session, our panel of experts will lean on their years of industry insights along with extensive data and surveying to help you understand where your company is positioned today, offer an outlook for where the custom and remodeling segments may be headed, explore how to best forecast your revenue for 2023, outline a plan for data-driven decision making and more. You’ll leave prepared to properly set your business up for growth and success in 2023 and beyond. Presenter(s): Ryan Lipchek, CBUSA, a Buildertrend Company | Erika Mosse, SGC Horizon Building Group | Rocky Simmons, Vision Homes, Inc. | Russ Stephens, Association of Professional Builders Continuing Ed.: NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s) T Building Techniques & Strategies Turning the Tide: Addressing Water-Related Affordability & Development Challenges W225 Water continues to be a critical issue facing builders and developers throughout the country. Water is becoming more scarce particularly throughout the western U.S., while increasing rainfall (and flooding) is prevalent in the south and the east, damaging homes and overwhelming antiquated and under-maintained stormwater infrastructure. The impact—diminished water quality, increased construction costs, a slower pace of building and reduced home affordability. This session will address how the home building industry can respond to these challenges through innovation, community design strategy and advocacy to meet the demand for safe, affordable homes and communities. Presenter(s): Diane Baum, CPMSM, LEED AP & Third Party IECC Code Inspector, Baum Environmental | Craig Karn, PLA, Consilium Design | Tom Markovich, Markovich Homes | Darrel McMaster, Sustainable Homes Inc. Continuing Ed.: NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s), AIA - 1.0 LU Hour(s) Wednesday, February 1, 2023 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM B Business Management Punch List: Legalese, Litigation, Liability & Libations W232 In this fast-paced discussion, leading attorneys will spend 10-minutes each exploring one of the five critical legal issues affecting residential construction in 2023: key contract and damages provisions; implied warranty obligations; alternative building materials; surviving unplanned events such as cyber; and litigation risk. Three years managing pandemic-related problems, supply chain disruptions, materials challenges and continued labor struggles are all causing concerning new risks to emerge. Join us for a cold beer, take a deep breath and let our experts provide tips and best practices to proactively deal with these issues and protect your assets. Presenter(s): James G. Leach , JD MBA MI, CPCU, Maverick | Felicia Watson , JD, LLM, CIPP/US, National Association of Home Builders Continuing Ed.: NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s) Learning Lab 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM