National Association 2023 IBS Show Guide
69 A Architecture & Design Sustainable from the Start: Blending Popular Design with High Performance Strategy W218 It’s a fact: climate change is making our environment hotter and less comfortable than it was a generation ago. As an industry, this change should be reflected in how we design and build. We must rethink our approach so we have homes that are on-trend, yet truly sustainable and climate responsive from the start. In this advanced session, join a builder, architect and building scientist as they explore a holistic, common-sense method for integrating popular design trends with attainable high performance strategies to create homes that are healthier, more durable and offer superior comfort. Topics include more efficient floor plans, right-sizing, thoughtful pre-design, smarter kitchens, lighting, climate responsive site planning and more. Presenter(s):˜ Alan Barley, Barley | Pfeiffer Architecture | Peter Pfeiffer, FAIA, Barley | Pfeiffer Architecture | Ray Tonjes, Ray Tonjes Builder | Jason Tanenbaum, Grainda Builders, Inc. Continuing Ed.:˜ NAHB - 1.0 CE hour(s), NKBA - 0.1 CEU(s), AIA - 1.0 LU Hour(s) Thursday, February 2, 2023 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Revolutionize the way you do business. Gain insights and solutions from leading voices and high-profile industry and business thought leaders. They’re going to change the way you approach critical residential construction issues. GAME CHANGERS * WEST HALL, ROOM W326 | OPEN TO IBS EXPO+EDUCATION REGISTRANTS SG23-## *Game Changers require an IBS Expo+Education Pass or Expo+1-Day Education Pass for the day of the session. Seating for sessions is on a first-come, first-served basis. SCAN CODE TO SEE THE FULL LINEUP OF GAME CHANGERS SESSIONS OR DOWNLOAD THE IBS APP SG23-30
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