Pacific Grove Guide - 2025

ACT IVI T I ES & ATTRACT IONS C M Y CM MY CY CMY K MonarchBu erfly Sanctuary e largest overwintering site for monarch bu er ies in Monterey County is at the Paci c Grove Monarch Sanctuary, located at 250 Ridge Road. Arriving in October, for a ve-month period, the monarch bu er ies cluster together on pine, cypress and eucalyptus trees in the Sanctuary. eir migration to Paci c Grove is so unique that Paci c Grove is nicknamed "Bu er y Town, U.S.A." e community has always welcomed the bu er ies and advocated for their protection. e Museum of Natural History volunteer docents can be found at the Monarch Sanctuary from Nov - Feb when available, generally from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, weather permi ing. Admission is free. Contact the Paci c Grove Museum of Natural History for more information. Pick up a brochure at the Paci c Grove Chamber of Commerce Tourist Information Center, Chamber O ce or Paci c Grove Museum of Natural History.