Your Villa Magazine - Desert Cities - December-February - 2023

While we often think of using mediation for divorce, mediation can also be used to resolve many other family matters, including prenuptial agreements, real estate planning, couple relationship issues, as well as many other conÁicts after the diYorce is final %ecause of its cooperatiYe process, mediation provides a faster, more peaceful and less e[pensiYe alternatiYe to litigation As marriages are occurring later in life, the prenuptial agreement is becoming more preYalent A family mediator can provide help to couples before they marry with the drafting of prenuptial agreements 7hese agreements can clarify the use of assets brought into the relationship, and for couples with children from previous relationships, to guarantee financial support for children :hen prenuptial agreements are traditionally drafted by attorneys, the situation can create an uneven balance of power between the partners ,n contrast, mediation eYens out the playing field $n e[perienced family mediator can teach couples how to discuss and resolve di΀cult situations +e she will encourage clear communication, collaboration and respect, something all couples can benefit from at the beginning of their marriage %ecause mediators have a lot of experience working with divorcing couples, they are well suited to help new couples by oͿering them adYice on to aYoid the pitfalls of a bad relationship Find out more at (760) 227-5090 Mediation Works By Rich Gordon, B.S., M.A., J.D. A Fair Way Mediation Center             €‚ƒ„…€ †ƒ‡ƒ ˆ   ˆ ‰ Š ‹   Œ  ˆ | 39 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS