Your Villa Magazine - Desert Cities - February - March 2024

In the Coachella Valley, our lifestyle embraces water conservation. Here’s one step you may not have imagined— install a pond . It uses less water than grass lawn and can cut your water bill. Reasons to add an environment-friendly pond 1. Adds visual interest and a sense of serenity. 2. Provides cooling compared to rocks or sand outside your home. 3. Increases the appearance of butterflies, dragonflies (which eat mosquitoes), birds, bees and other beneficial garden-friendly wildlife. 4. Provides water to pollinators and pets alike. 5. Promotes plant life that use up nutrients to keep water clean and healthy and reduce algae growth. 6. Requires no harmful pesticides or fertilizers. 7. Stores and recirculates water with no runo‹. 8. Boosts the value of your property. 9. Suits big or small gardens. 10. Comes in many shapes and sizes. 11. Promotes positive e‹ects on health and calmness and reduces anxiety. Do’s and Don’ts • Place a pond in a shaded or dappled shade area for less water evaporation. • Add plenty of surface floating plants to reduce surface area to evaporation. • Include an auto-fill device to make maintenance easier. • Avoid tiered-style fountains. In the desert, they are usually water wasters as they are designed to promote evaporation to cool the surrounding air. For more water-saving tips: D E S I G N + B U I L D How a pond can enhance your outdoors, cut your water bill, improve property value 32 | Your Villa Magazine