Your Villa Magazine - Desert Cities - February - March 2024

D E S I G N + B U I L D The average American family spends more than $1,000 per year on water costs. That translates to about an $83 monthly water bill, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Fortunately, there are simple tweaks one can implement to help cut down on consumption and reduce that monthly spend. Install a new showerhead The average family could save 2,700 gallons per year by installing WaterSense ® labeled showerheads. These types of showerheads can also help alleviate water heater demands and save on energy consumption. Monitor for potential leaks Whenever faucets drip, it could be more than just water going down the drain. Faucet leaks waste environmental resources and cost homeowners money. Experts estimate that even a small drip, once every 10 - 15 seconds, can waste almost 15 gallons a month, or nearly half a gallon in a day. You can easily check for leaks by observing the plumbing. It’s important to keep eyes peeled and physically feel exposed pipes to check for any running water. Condensation around pipes can also be a sign of leakage. For toilets, a simple dye test can even verify if the Áapper is sealing properly and help prevent silent leaks. Change your bathroom habits Daily routines that are often overlooked can also have a significant impact on your water Eill. )or example, many may not realize that each time one leaves the water running while they brush their teeth, four gallons of water goes down the drain. 6imply turning off the water while Erushing is a simple way to save. Other solutions for conserving water are turning off the shower while lathering or the kitchen faucet while scrubbing dishes. Water is universal, and an element shared by all, so making sure it·s preserved and filtered adequately can ensure a better quality of life and monthly savings. Water -Saving Tips edited by YourVilla Sta 44 | Your Villa Magazine      € ‚ ƒ „ … † „ ‡ ˆ  ˆ  ‚ ‰Š  ‚ ‹Œ ‚‡ ‡ ‚ „     4   € € ‚ ‚  4  € €  4    € ƒ  4 „ ƒ…†  ƒ€  … 4 ‡  †  € 4   €€ ƒ† ƒ  ƒ € ˆ ƒ€€ € …ƒ‰  ‰€ 4 ‚ ƒ ƒ ƒ ††ƒ  €