Your Villa Magazine - Desert Cities - February - March 2024

$ fi[ture in the 3alm 6prings 8ptown 'esign 'istrict, MODERNIST Frame & Design heads into its third year, providing e[pert framing services as an integral part of the fine arts community. 5e envisioning custom picture framing to fit the uniTue design sensiEilities of 3alm 6prings and the greater &oachella 9alley region has propelled 0odernist )rame 'esign as a leader in the art of picture framing. 0odernist )rame 'esign offers the most distinctive frame choices, Tuality service and superior design solutions. :e routinely source uniTue and innovative frames from around the world including our e[clusive collection of imported ,talian frames, hand finished kt white gold leafed mouldings, welded steel frames and cutting edge /ucite frames. FINE ART AND FRAMING :ith so many fine art collectors in the &oachella 9alley, 0odernist )rame 'esign is keenly aware of how frame design critically impacts the visual appearance of works of art. 0any clients prefer the minimalist design aesthetic. 7he understated style and refined Tuality of our frame designs compliments the desert lifestyle and 0id &entury viEe. RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION 0any valuaEle works of art regularly pass through our hands, and as such must Ee treated with the utmost care. ,n partnership with our Tualified and knowledgeaEle restoration professionals, 0odernist )rame 'esign regularly facilitates all aspects of the restoration and conservation of works of art including oil paintings, works on paper, photographs and prints. 0any proMects include family heirlooms as well as fine art lithographs Ey well known artists such as 0iry and &hagall. 0odernist )rame 'esign consistently recommends conservation framing with only the finest materials, including 89 filtering museum glass, acid neutral matting and the least invasive mounting techniTues. D E S I G N + B U I L D A variety of artisan-created welded steel frames in a vivid array of colors. Our exclusive line of custom color finished-corner frames are designed with any color imaginable— just for you. See our advertisement on the back cover. $ fi[ture in the 3alm 6prings 8ptown 'esign 'istrict, MODERNIST Frame & Design heads into its third year, providing e[pert framing services as an integral part of the fine arts community. 5e envisioning custom picture framing to fit the uniTue design sensiEilities of 3alm 6prings and the greater &oachella 9alley region has propelled 0odernist )rame 'esign as a leader in the art of picture framing. 0odernist )rame 'esign offers the most distinctive frame choices, Tuality service and superior design solutions. :e routinely source uniTue and innovative frames from around the world including our e[clusive collection of imported ,talian frames, hand finished kt white gold leafed mouldings, welded steel frames and cutting edge /ucite frames. FINE ART AND FRAMING :ith so many fine art collectors in the &oachella 9alley, 0odernist )rame 'esign is keenly aware of how frame design critically impacts the visual appearance of works of art. 0any clients prefer the minimalist design aesthetic. 7he understated style and refined Tuality of our frame designs compliments the desert lifestyle and 0id &entury viEe. RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION 0any valuaEle works of art regularly pass through our hands, and as such must Ee treated with the utmost care. ,n partnership with our Tualified and knowledgeaEle restoration professionals, 0odernist )rame 'esign regularly facilitates all aspects of the restoration and conservation of works of art including oil paintings, works on paper, photographs and prints. 0any proMects include family heirlooms as well as fine art lithographs Ey well known artists such as 0iry and &hagall. 0odernist )rame 'esign consistently recommends conservation framing with only the finest materials, including 89 filtering museum glass, acid neutral matting and the least invasive mounting techniTues. D E S I G N + B U I L D A variety of artisan-created welded steel frames in a vivid array of colors. Our exclusive line of custom color finished-corner frames are designed with any color imaginable— just for you. See our advertisement on the back cover. 6 | Your Villa Magazine fi[ture in the 3al 6prings pto n esign istrict, E IS Fra e & Design heads into its third year, providing e[pert framing services as an integral part of the fine arts co unity. 5e envisioning custo picture fra ing to fit the uniTue design sensiEilities of 3alm 6prings and the greater &oachella 9alley region has propelled 0odernist )ra e esign as a leader in the art of picture framing. 0odernist )rame 'esign offers the most distinctive frame choices, Tuality service and superior design solutions. :e routinely source uniTue and innovative fra es fro around the orld including our e[clusive collection of i ported ,talian frames, hand finished kt hite gold leafed ouldings, elded steel fra es and cutting edge /ucite frames. FI E F I ith so any fine art collectors in the &oachella 9alley, 0odernist )rame 'esign is keenly a are of how frame design critically impacts the visual appearance of works of art. 0any clients prefer the ini alist design aesthetic. 7he understated style and refined Tuality of our fra e designs compli ents the desert lifestyle and 0id &entury viEe. REST RATI A D CONSERVATION any valuaEle orks of art regularly pass through our hands, and as such ust Ee treated with the utmost care. ,n partnership with our Tualified and kno ledgeaEle restoration professionals, 0odernist )rame 'esign regularly facilitates all aspects of the restoration and conservation of orks of art including oil paintings, works on paper, photographs and prints. 0any proMects include family heirlooms as ell as fine art lithographs Ey well known artists such as 0iry and &hagall. odernist )ra e esign consistently reco ends conservation framing with only the finest materials, including 89 filtering museum glass, acid neutral matting and the least invasive ounting techniTues. I + I L A variety of artisan-created welded steel frames in a vivid array of colors. ur exclusive line of custom color finished-corner frames are designed with any color i aginable just for you. See our advertise ent on the back cover.