Your Villa - East Valley - April - May 2023

5 REVAMP YOUR FURNITURE SELECTION We recommend selecting pieces that complement the fireplace·s aesthetic as well as that of its mantel decorations). For example, choose chic furniture with clean lines and neutral tones if you·Ye chosen a blacN accent wall with minimalist mantel decor, or go the monochromatic route )or the furniture·s materials, darN wood, metal, and glass are appropriate 7his way, you maintain the same simplicity and tastefulness throughout the room. %y contrast, if you·Ye gone for a more traditional looN with a stone bacNdrop and plenty of lush greenery, you should carry through that old-world appearance in your furniture ,nstead, use plush couches with soft, co]y upholstery in rich shades and furniture made from warm woods How to make an older fireplace stand out 'epending on your home·s age, your fireplace might be a little outdated by now $s we mentioned, once the fireplace is built, there·s only so much you can do about its physical design +oweYer, with some ',<, you can welcome it into the st century 6 RENOVATION AND REPAIRS <ou·ll need to start by giYing it a good, thorough scrub 7hen, follow the deep clean with a new coat of paint $gain, it·s a good idea to match this color with the rest of the fireplace decor and liYing room furniture to ensure a cohesiYe aesthetic $nd, if your fireplace has beautiful engraYings, choose a shade that won·t hide those details $whitewash is particularly well-suited to a bricN fireplace <ou can also consider retiling the space around and behind it <ou can use this area as an accent feature or Neep it simple to blend in with the walls and mantel 7here·s also the option of tiling the fireplace·s interior with materials designed to withstand a fire·s heat 7iling is an unconYentional but stunning way of adding some pi]]a]] to a fireplace that might otherwise appear a bit drab or dilapidated How Michelle Jett - Decorating Den Interiors design services can help you :ith so many decoratiYe choices and considerations, you may haYe too many options, which can be daunting +oweYer, if you can·t land on a decor idea or sticN with one design idea, don·t fret because the designers at 0ichelle -ett - 'ecorating 'en are ready and waiting to assist you $fter you·Ye reached out to us, we·ll arrange a meeting with one of our e[perienced and reliable consultants :e·ll come to your home and discuss your goals and dream aesthetic 2nce we understand what you·re looNing for, we·ll create a customi]ed design plan to help you achieYe the fireplace decor you·Ye always wanted Ready to light your fire? &ontact us at --(77'(& - or www michelleMett decoratingden com to get started | 37