Your Villa - East Valley - April - May 2023 edited by YourVilla Sta Photo: Three things every homeowner should do at the start of spring Spring is the perfect season for home improvement as it presents many opportunities for homeowners to be more thorough when it comes to maintenance. As the weather warms up, you’ll find plenty of indoor and outdoor projects that can improve the functionality of your home and boost its curb appeal while also avoiding unpleasant surprises. Schedule seasonal maintenance on your HVAC system Most systems have a lifetime of 10 to 20 years, and eciency can drastically decrease as your equipment gets older. If your HVAC system is working harder and not performing as well as it should, it may be time to replace it %ooN a consultation with a certified professional who can inspect your e[isting system, maNe recommendations and giYe you an estimate for a new system. Maintain, repair or replace your water heater 0aNe sure to checN ´inspecting your water heaterµ oͿ your spring cleaning list .eep an eye out for any water buildup around your water heater, water-quality issues or small plastic pieces from your fi[tures that can aͿect your water supply $lso, looN out for changes in water temperature or temperature duration, a broken pilot light, noise in your unit or pipes, or the smell of gas around your water heater. Spruce up the outside of your home You may not think your garage door needs regular maintenance, but Must liNe a car, it needs regular tune-ups 6mall issues can TuicNly turn e[pensiYe down the line $lso, some garage door problems can pose a safety ha]ard and cause serious injury. Depending on the age and condition of your garage door, it may be time to replace it 5eplacing your garage door can improve the look of your home and increase its market value. )inally, consider installing a new fence around your property. )ences proYide priYacy and security 7hey can help Neep children and pets safe inside your yard, while also keeping out unwanted animals and trespassers 7his decoratiYe element also proYides protection around an outdoor space, liNe a pool or garden D E S I G N + B U I L D 42 | Your Villa Magazine
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