Your Villa - East Valley - July - August 2022

D E S I G N + B U I L D The primary bedroom should be a place for winding down after a long, productive day and waking up after a peaceful night’s rest. It should be a space where you can retreat and refresh; a room where you can leave your troubles and stresses at the door and cozy up in your bed for total relaxation. But does your current design scheme and decor mirror this idea? You may find it more di΀cult to feel at ease Zith too many distractions in this space ³ creating an atmosphere that encourages you to truly maNe yourself at home starts Zith reevaluating the current setup and deciding if there·s potential for improvement. Not sure where to get started? 'on·t fret. +ere are some simple tips for maNing your primary Eedroom more rela[ing in the near future 1. Clean up 6ometimes, the simplest act of tidying up can completely transform a Eedroom into a more tranTuil living space. 7aNe some time to reorgani]e and declutter your room to let the space Ereathe and you may find yourself suddenly at ease. 7his can involve everything from removing clutter from the taEletop surfaces to voZing to maNe your Eed every morning. 7asNs that involve reorgani]ation can Ee the simple fi[ you need to feel more comfortaEle. 2. Get rid of potential distractions <our primary Eedroom is meant to Ee a space Zhere you can unZind. 7he last thing you Zant to do is compile the space Zith distractions. We recommend removing furniture that insinuates that the Eedroom serves any other purpose than rela[ation, such as a ZorN desN or television. 3. Bring in the fresh scents If your primary Eedroom is in need of a TuicN refresh, let sensational scents do the tricN. 6uEtly fragrant candles and fresh ÁoZers can tantali]e your senses and Ering you peace after a long day in the o΀ce. 3lus, they can add a touch of lu[ury to a space that·s potentially lacNing elegance. 4. Reconsider your color scheme 3erhaps it·s your current room theme that·s maNing it too di΀cult to rela[. /ooN around your primary Eedroom and decide hoZ your Zall color, Eedspread, and accents maNe you feel. 'o these decorative elements put you at ease or do they maNe you feel overstimulated" &alm, tranTuil shades of gray or green can Ering you peace after a long day, as radiant shades liNe orange or red may maNe it di΀cult to Zind doZn. 5. Don’t forget the room darkening window treatments If you find yourself tossing and turning at night Eecause your room simply isn·t darN enough for total rela[ation, it may Ee time to reevaluate your ZindoZ treatments. /iNeZise, if you liNe to sleep in on the ZeeNends Eut the sunrise has different plans, a set of room darNening shades can maNe all the difference. 6. Refresh with new furniture When Zas the last time you treated yourself to a neZ collection of primary Eedroom furniture" If you find yourself staring at a set that·s moved from one house to another, or you·re simply holding on to a set of antiTues passed doZn from a prior generation, noZ·s a great time to consider something neZ and improved. <ou don·t necessarily have to reinvest your entire setup ³ perhaps a neZ headEoard and Eed si]e can do the tricN. If you·ve Eeen sleeping on a Tueen si]e mattress for as long as you can rememEer, moving to a Ning si]e Eed can Ee the difference EetZeen tossing and turning at night and getting the Eest night·s sleep. 7. Give Michelle Jett - Decorating Den Interiors a call 5evamping your primary Eedroom is an e[citing endeavor ³ it gives you an opportunity to improve not only your living space Eut also your mindset. If you·re having trouEle getting started and could use some support or inspiration for the redesign, get in touch Zith 0ichelle -ett 'ecorating 'en Interiors. 2ne of our personal decorators Zill come to your home to provide a complimentary consultation. 'uring this meeting, your designer Zill get to NnoZ you ³ gain a Eetter understanding of your personal style and ultimate goals for the end result of your primary Eedroom. 7hey Zill discuss these tips for creating a more rela[ing living space and provide additional ideas to ensure your primary Eedroom Eecomes the ideal haven for rela[ation. With spring around the corner, noZ·s a great time to consider a neZ and improved living space. 'on·t do it alone &ontact a design consultant from 0ichelle -ett 'ecorating 'en Interiors at -ett'ec today to get the proMect started. Designing a Primary Bedroom Retreat 8 | YourVilla Magazine