Your Villa - East Valley - June - July 2023

L I F E S T Y L E + S H O P local inÁuence by helping the underserved in his community. In addition to helping the community, children are %rian·s highest priority. 7his is evident from his involvement with various leadership programs. %rian also enMoys giving back to the community via donations to various local charitable organizations. Whenever you are visiting and walking through Redlands beautiful Historic District, be sure to stop by one of its business icons — Redlands Jewelers . 7here, you might Must find that perfect Mewelry gift you·ve been looking for, or maybe have it designed by one of the store·s expert Mewelry artisans. (ither way, Redlands -ewelers and its staff are here, ready to serve and help make your Mewelry dreams come true. Whenever you walk the streets of Redland’s Historic District, there is one business that shines through with a lush history, showroom, and enthusiastic dedication to community that catches the eye. Since 19 1, REDLANDS JEWELERS have helped customers with all their Mewelry needs. In the early days of the company·s existence, their specialty was Mewelry repair. However, as time and decades passed, the company expanded its scope of services to include artisan-created expert custom designs, and a talented staff on-hand daily to showcase its beautiful showroom filled with uniTue fine Mewelry. Voted “San %ernardino·s %est -eweler” of 0 by “7he Sun and Daily Facts” magazine, Redlands -ewelers team and its products have managed to engrave themselves into the hearts and minds of every visitor. In addition to the showroom, the staƒ’s expansive knowledge, and the company’s services, Redlands Jewelers boasts two graduate Gemologists, including its business owner, Brian Ahlers. %rian Ahlers is the son of Dave Ahlers. Dave took over the company in 1995. %rian·s love for Mewelry making was passed down from his dad. At the age of nine, %rian crafted his first ring. Aside from designing Mewelry and running the day-to-day business, %rian shares other interests that can be found outside and away from his -eweler·s bench. As a member of the iconic “7he Rotary Club”, %rian utilizes his position of Redlands Jewelers History in the Making by Tiar’a Literary & Illustration 1 North Fifth Street, Redlands • Call Us! (909) 792-4016 F i n e J e w e l r y Redlands Jewelers RJ 12 | Your Villa Magazine